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Auditor Ooth'in'ker.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *WhenWizardsWar
//This thread will serve to store and organize Ooth'in'kers duties and responsabilities and other happenings as he goes about his new role as a namer in the Fated.

Auditor Ooth'in'ker.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:00 am
by *WhenWizardsWar
The mindflayer Ooth'in'ker, or simpy "Thinker" as he asks to be called, has only been among the fated for less then a cycle but already he quietly makes near tireless progress among the records and shelves in the hall of information. He pours tirelessly over every record that has a miss placed T or undotted I and he seems to have a great knack for interacting with other fated, indeed he is very much the first one at the "water cooler" when it comes to office talk, rumors and so on and so forth.

When he isnt cross checking every possible document for errors and ways to improve their wording and effeciency (One tax document he managed to improve the wording to increase revenue by a whole five %!), when he isn't doing this he eagerly volunteers to travel into the city propor and review and catalog the various goings on the city.

He seems to have a knack for finding the little hidden things and loves audtting even the most trivial of matters.