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Application For Permits And Registration

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:00 am
by *Embersworn
A tall planetouched woman of the apparent efreeti heritage, down to her large frame and blazing hair, clad in crimson silks and brass, enters the Hall of Records and leaves her written request along with a purse fillet with one thousand jink in golden dinars.

I hereby place a formal application for permits and licences required for the following:

* Permit to proselytize, preach and offer other religious services within the city borders of Sigil, performed in the name of the Sole Sovereign of the Plane of Fire, Primordial Tyrant Amongst Flame, Warmth and Light of all the Creation, His Fiery Grace and Kindness, the Everburning Flame of Purity, the Firelord Kossuth.

* Permit to carry weapons within the limits of the city of Sigil, including hooked chains and whips as it is customary to people of my faith.

* Permit to draw, within the city limits,  upon the benevolence and mercy of His Grace and use of the priestly powers kindly bestowed by Him. This including healing, exorcism and protective prayers.

*Registration and licence for a priest issued for sadiyah Leaire daughter of Sakhani, priestess of the Firelord, Whose Kindness Forever Warms The Multiverse, Kossuth.

Attached to my application is a humble baksheesh for covering additional effort and expenses for the scribe handling this petition.
