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A Letter Left In The Faction Hall.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:00 am
by *deusex2
the note is attached by Rylif inside the Faction Hall, for all to read.

If any of you've been doing any tax collecting for past month or two than undoubtedly you've ran into that smugfaced eladrin sod by the name of Nero Urbane. And undoubtedly he didn't payed a thing, came up with some sorry excuse, called you a fraud, or outright ran away.

Well I don't know about you, but I think it's about time someone teaches our clueless eladrin friend a lesson or two about why people fear and respect us, Takers and I have a list of taxes and fines I intend on pinning up on him. Anyone who wants in on it or has a tax to add just contact me and we'll share the bonus appropriately.

If you just want to smash his face in-that works just as fine. I plan on approaching the sod one more time before I bring hardheads and guvners on him, anyway.

below goes the list of all the taxes and fines

Intangibles Tax Evasion x3

The sod's been doing his detective work and got payed by Phantom a sum of five thousand jinx and we got none out of it. And who knows how many other cases he's been taking on the side.

This week's weekly tax evasion.

The sod's been evading me, running away and outright refusing to pay. What's worse-the sod's been sitting in the Great Bazaar so I couldn't break his bones in front of witnesses.

"His" dairy business seems clean and all of the paperwork is handled by that Neli wench, so there's nothing to nitpick at.

But in one of his sodding interviews he admitted having cranium rats making his cheese. So we can fine him for harboring that vermin(after all they have an open bounty on their tails for a reason) and for breaking health and safety regulations.

new line appears under the original writing, scribed in a hasty way

Solicitation tax! The berk is seen with new skirt every day! He practically changes them like gloves.

A Letter Left In The Faction Hall.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:00 am
by *Agony_Aunt
((oh man, you are cracking me up.... keep going please. And don't forget my escaping drow-halfling who gave you the laugh by the grey waste portal. I fully expect some come-back for that))

A Letter Left In The Faction Hall.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:00 am
by *deusex2
(((So it was you?! Man I'm so gonna fine your half-drow for stalking lol. And yeah, I did said in PM Rylif wasn't letting her off the hook that easy...She was just lucky she was soo tiny Rylif didn't noticed her walking right under his nose :lol: )))

A Letter Left In The Faction Hall.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
Daevos takes a look at the note and grins, his silvered and gold teeth showin through.

"Ai, me tinks a berk needs a scrubbin." He then burps, the stench of stale rum and grog emanating from him something fierce