Order to the Bailiffs

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Posted by *Darkrob »

Sent to one of the Bailliff captains of the Fraternity.
wrote:Captain Fairmont

Please instruct your bailiffs to locate and detain a slave girl by the name of Ticla (description incuded). She is not considered dangerous and should be dealt with professionally.

See to it that she is brought to my office at first opportunity. Should you not be able to locate her, we will increase the order to include the Harmonium and Mercykiller patrols.

Lady's Grace

A7 Seph, Fraternity Civil Judge.
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *ManyFaced »

(Posting here rather than adding yet another thread, and it's mostly relevant)

Two sealed letters are sent, one to the Hardheads and one to the Guvners.

I am formally requesting the release of all pertinent in relation to the slave Tick, specifically referring to the issues of assaults by both the red wizard Miranda and an overzealous Kyton.  My legal team will represent her in whatever methods necessary.

(I'll get the harmonium version done when I get home, it requires better functionality than a phone can provide)
Posts: 1097
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Darkrob »

A reply is sent from the Fraternity
wrote:Citizen Nienna

Thank you for your concern but as a registered slave, Ticla cannot bring charges against any citizen, free or not, of Sigil. She is considered legal property and not considered a Free citizen. It is up to her owner to decide if anything should be pursued in a court of law due to mistreatment done to her. The only time the courts are permitted to step in on her behalf is if it can be proven that her owner willfully permits severe mistreatment or abuse.

Likewise, a citizen cannot level charges against her, so long as she is legally owned, and would have to pursue her owner in court instead.

As it stands right now, Ticla is considered a ward of the state. The state has no concern of her treatment (unless excessively abusive) in the past and will only consider treatment from this point on.

Should you have any other information that we might find pertainate, please feel free to forward it to us.

Lady's Grace

A7 Seph, Fraternity Civil Judge
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *ManyFaced »

A reply is sent.
wrote:Judge Seph,

It can, and will, be successfuly argued that Ticks never was in the actual posesion of any owner. While she may have been registered and sold, at no point did her owner come and claim her. For that reason, as a slave lacking an owner, dealer, or master, she was by all standards a free woman in the eyes if the law during this period. If the case is to be made that  the kyton was a lawful owner, then there is great amounts of evidence that Ticla suffered great amounts of illegal abuse.

I ask that you save the court's time, and mine, by releasing the requested information.

Posts: 1097
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Darkrob »

wrote:Citizen Nienna

The slave Ticla is currently a ward of the state, thus owned by the state, and the state has no interest in pursuing a legal case against anyone at this time. No information will be released to the public about either her current condition nor her past records as all that recorded information is considered confidential and under the jurasdiction of her current owner. You may appeal this decision to a higher ranking judge if you so choose but as of this time, Ticla will not be seeking legal counsel outside the Fraternity. Once Ticla is handed over to another lisenced owner you may once again apply for them to release this information to you but will have to convince them to do so.

You are legally bound to not interrogate or harass Ticla at any time without state permissions and are not to question her about these proceedings or current state of ownership without a representative of the state present.

I do hope you understand your legal obligations in this affair.

Lady's Grace

A7 Seph, Fraternity Civil Judge
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