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A Days Work

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
The missing page would be a form submitted by the defence in a murder trial for the approval of one of their witnesses to take the stand. After looking through the rest of the documentation Aide Grail would learn the trial was a recent one, the defendant, a Cambion Yuri, Zaragav was convicted of the murder of a merchant one Zachery Amelie's in a robbery that went wrong. The prosecution case is very strong. Without the missing page she would not know who the defence witness was but the defending legal counsel was an Adminstrator 8 McCann so it is likely he would have filed the missing paperwork.

((Happy to pick this up as an event if you are interested.

A Days Work

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*This morning Deltana sits down and reads the pages before and after the missing document. She quirks a brow at what she's discovered but merely sits there for several minutes before she puts those particular pages aside and begins working on the rest of the transcription. She gets through several stacks, working as if nothing is amiss for the time being.*

((I would be happy to turn it into an Event but only if Darkrob is alright with it))

A Days Work

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*Deltana would have been seen this morning roaming through the city, obviously on a mission. The only thing that may have seemed odd was her questions asking about a particular notary, though it could have been for any number of reasons. Upon returning to the Court she seeks out Administrator McCann and after a very brief conversation she goes in search of Judge Seph. They sit quietly together, sometimes whispering, sometimes not, but if anyone had been watching they'd have noticed a somewhat hostile attitude between the two.

Deltana leaves the judge and stands below in one of the great libraries for several minutes, seeming deep in thought and then sighs* Well if I've come this far, I'd better keep going *She mutters to herself and then walks back out to the Aide at the front desk* I know I've already taxed you immeasurably but could you let me know who the Administrator is that handles court documents?

A Days Work

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*Later the same day Deltana seems to disappear for a little while, somewhat out of character for the drowess though any type of inspection would find her hunkered down in her private office and reading... Alchemy books of all things*

A Days Work

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:00 am
by *Neethanial
Advanced alchemy, just for experimentation purposes. The substance isn't easy to make, and is even more difficult to make properly; the risks of using it accurately are extraordinary. An old chronomancy journal, and recent harvesting for exactly this out of coincidence alone - all of it available to Aide Grail, along with a rather annoying and often distracting guide.

A Days Work

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
The Air Gensai looks up, clearly unamused at the prospect of being bothered a third time.

"That depends on the Bureau and the day as the aide handling documents is done on a rota."

She yawns lazily not bothering to cover her mouth.

"Is there a particular day and Bureau you were looking into. I can check the rota."

((Not quite sure what the alchemy is in relation to but if it is to do with my plot but it has a much better chance of working if I know what the effects are :P

A Days Work

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*She looks to the Genasi with a small smirk on her lips and then takes several sheets from her bag and lays them out before her. The date clearly marked one each page. The missing sheet having been in between the two sheets she sets down on the counter, both baring the same date* Is this sufficient?

A Days Work

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
The other Aide disappears into a back office and is gone for roughly twenty minutes. She eventually returns with another piece of paper presumably the rota.

"Aide Cephris would have been handling the documents that day. He is currently working with Administraror Elithrex."

The last name would be familiar to Deltana. He or she or it was the prosecutor on the case she is investigating.

A Days Work

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*Her brow arches ever so slightly at the information and then nods* Bel'la dos *She smiles to the Aide and then turns and heads off in the direction of the shared office. Though once out of sight of the Aide she stops and thinks for a moment and then sighs* There isn't much for it I suppose *She mutters to herself and continues on to the office, knocking on the door softly*

A Days Work

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:00 am
by *wmw12
*She raps lightly on the office door a second time and then opens it a crack, noting that neither is in. She then returns to the grumpy Aide at the front desk, and smiles to her* "Would you mind, handing this note to Aide Cephris?" *The note would simply read*

"Aide Cephris,

It would be most appreciated if you would send me a quick note letting me know what times you are available for a brief conversation in the near future.

Thank you,
Aide Grail"