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A Request For Information

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:00 am
by *Selebius
He looks at both, his face a hard to read mask and if he is amused he hides it well.

"Good to hear your sister is alright. Lets hope they stay with painting graffiti.", he says to Lucia then looks at Anaiah. "I agree the armour is a bit tight... especially around the chest. Yet it stops blades well even if the helmet is rather stifling."

Leaning back he crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking at each of them again and smiles.

"However we are in no hurry. Please take some time.... lets say five minutes... to change into something more appropriate. I will set up some fresh tea in the meanwhile."

A Request For Information

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:00 am
by *Licca
Lucia promptly runs back to her bunk and locker in the Barracks, changes to her armor, and returns fully armored.

"I will say this... my sister and I are pretty quick on our feet, but these graffiti hoodlums ran faster. Luckily, they used a botched batch of paint that washed off really easily."

Lucia then takes a seat.

A Request For Information

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:00 am
by *JinCathul
Follows suit, grumbling about it the whole way. She sat with the mumbled degradation about the armor and something about the designer having likely been stabbed in the face before making it.

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *Selebius
When Lucia returns a cup of fresh tea is waiting for her already. Hograth listens to her while waiting for the other woman to arrive and as she finished he leans forward to answer, his armoured lower arm resting on the table.

"Catching them is always a pain. But good you keep an eye on them. If your sister feels like she needs official Harmonium support I am sure we can send an officer or two in civilian clothes to help out.
However as the Festhall is Sensate territory the Factotum has to file an official request.
Anyway- give Licca my regards the next time you seee her, please."

Seeing Anaiah return he nods pleased, pushes a cup of tea into her direction.

"Very well. Notary Lyricia... this is Namer Solace. She recently joined our ranks and I have high hopes for her performance. "

Taking a deep breath he gives the two women some time before continuing.

"Usually I do not care what officers wear as long as they stay effective this ad hoc squad here does not want to draw unneeded attention.

We cannot know who we can trust and the less questions people ask about what we do, the less people talk about us meeting here the better.
So lets try to look as boring and unassuming as we can."

Smiling at both he pauses again for a moment before going on, adressing Anaiah.

"If you need changes to be made to the standard Harmonium uniform write a list and submit it to the armoursmiths."

Resting a large hand on a stack of documents nearby he looks at both making sure he has their attention before going on.

"Anyway- I did not ask you two to meet me to discuss clothes.

We have an assignment."

He gives both a small folder, sealed with both the Harmonium's crest as well as Hograth's personal seal.

"We are tasked with transferring prisoners- Anarchists- from Arcadia back to Sigil. The Anarchists know about this and will try to free said prisoners. What they hopefully do not know is that we expect that move and want to use it to our advantage."

Lowering his voice he continues.

"This is also why this part of this mission must stay a secret. We want them to attack this time- and also to succeed."

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *Licca
Lucia sips on the tea.

"To succeed? I see now. Who are we tracking?"

"And yes, the Harmonium armorsmiths can modify our armor to our specifications, Miss Solace. I had to have it done because it was almost impossible to use a bow with the standard armor."

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *JinCathul
Ignoring the mentions of smithing changes . . .

"My first concern with this mission is how likely we are to be killed in order for them to 'succeed'. Were I to be rescuing a prisoner in transport, I would make sure first anyone who could arguably track us is rendered incapable of doing so."

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *Selebius
He adresses the paladin first.

"They lack the strenght to engage us in battle directly. A short ambush- sure. But standing and fighting a trained formation of soldiers is not something they will survive. And they know that.

However they also know well how to cover their tracks. They do it in the cage, they do it outside. So I predict one of their usual ambushes- a few archers and light infantry to distract us while a second group frees as many prisoners as they can."

Now he looks at Lucia as he continues.

"Which brings me to your question. Our orders are to let some prisoners escape. We shall not make it easy but we are not to kill or recapture them once they escaped."

Leaning back he sips from his tea.

"It will be one big show. We shall do our best to keep casualties low to nonexistant. We bloody them and- if possible- catch some of the scum. But if they manage to free a few prisoners.... "

Letting his voice trailing off he shrugs. Then he leans forward again, both of his hands around his cup.

"I do not know who of the crowd are real prisoners and which are... not. For security reasons we must not know- just in case one of us gets captured.

I understand if you want to get out of this assignment however."

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *Licca
Lucia takes another sip of the tea, with a look of understanding in her face.

"I see. I have no objections to being on this assignment, now that I probably know what is going on. It will require a slight change in my preparations, however."

A Request For Information

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:00 am
by *JinCathul
Anaiah leaned back in her chair exhaling all the air in her lungs with a whoosh. "A sound plan if it can be properly executed. Dangerous, but that is the way of things. So if I understand you properly, we will be using defensive formations to hold out long enough for the prisoners to escape and we will then wait to receive word back from those posing as Anarchists? Do I understand that properly?"

A Request For Information

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:00 am
by *Selebius
"Very well." He smiles to Lucia. "If you need anything let me know."

Turning his attention to the other woman he continues.

"We let escape whoever can escape, keep the rest, fight off the Anarchists. We must not look too passive.

But lets say it this way: Don't take great risks to prevent their escape and don't shoot them in their backs.

What happens afterwards is up to our superiors."

He gives both of them a long, somewhat probing stare.

"Of course nothing that is said here must leave this room. In this case you two report to me and Mover Cass- and nobody else. Noone else needs to know anything about what we are discussing here."