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Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
After several weeks of training Garen has the first breakthrough.

It is nothing too spectacular, just a portal that he can open without the key, just by carefully manipulating it, using what he learned about the laws that govern this matter.

As so often the first time was the hardest and soon he is able to find out what is needed to open portals by just studying them briefly, aplying his knowledge even to portals he is using for the first time.

And by studying the portals, by manipulating them he learns more and more about them and he learns hoe to predict them and where to look for spontaneous, unstable ones.

The first he manages to open is gone too fast to be used- but it is a start. And again it gets easier with every try, Garen able to perfect his theories, to unravel the last secrets he needs.

Soon he is confident to have suceeded- he is able to open portals, able to find them, able to make his own, instable ones. Demonstrating his newfound abilities to the Factol will be a success.

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
The research paper had finally been completed. Copies were forwarded to the Bureau of Research and to the Factols office. The paper included all of the theory, the tests and trials (both lab and field) and expected results. It also acknowledged the assistance of those who helped in all pertainate parts (including the names of both the Administrators and Clerks involved) as well as the research notes from Algond and Guunt.

An appointment was made and Garen would arrive on time, ready to discuss his research

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
(( Would you like to do this in game, Rob, or shall we continue here?))

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
((probably easier to do here. My schedule is a little erratic atm so making solid plans is difficult :)

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
Garen is led into a small conference room in the courts by Aide Fronn, the genasi woman closing the door carefully.

There is a table to his side for his own use and there is a chair as well, all kept simple and unadorned. He finds himself inthe presence of an elderly dwarf who looks at him with tired, bloodshot eyes and Hashkar closes the book he was reading in before straightening himself in his chair.

The table and chair is the same Garen has for himself, and the same the three other Guvners present have. They are researchers as well, one A 5, one A 2 and an A1, all authorities in their own fields of study who will judge Garen's work and will ask him questions about it afterwards.
It is both a test as well as an opportunity for all involved to learn about the others field of expertise and from what Garen knows he can expect this process to go on for a few hours.

Of course it is the factol who lifts his ink stained hand, making a small, encouraging gesture- the words, the gresture, all part of the procedure, all part of the rules.

"Welcome Bureau Chief Seph.

Please begin with your presentation."

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Garen greeted each of those gathered and handed each of them a copy of the research. He would begin his discussion with a brief explanation of his understanding of portals and those who were known to manipulate them. He would go into great detail about temporary portals, permanent portals and how it was discovered that they would fade and shift from one location to another should the aligning anchors change (Lawful/Lawful to Lawful/Choas for instance). Over the hour or so during his opening explanations, he would casually move throughout the room using his newly discovered conclusions to locate a possible portal anchor within the room. Should one exist, he would ascertain whether it was a simple ‘instable portal’ that would lead to the Infinite Staircase or if it was a portal that existed between the Lawful nature of the Courts and a Lawful plane. He would do this with minimal distraction while discussing the matter at hand.

Once he was content that his paper had been explained, he would look at those gathered with the expectation of questions.

((Be gentle. While Garen is a genius with acute understanding of the portals, I am not, hehe))

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
They all follow his presentation carefully, do not interrupt but take notes instead- everybody following the rules just perfectly.
Judging the overall mood Garen gets the impression that what they hear impresses them and the follow his explanations with genuine interest.

Using his newfound abilities he is able to find a small rift- a tiny thing, not yet open. Just a thin veil between the courts and some lawful plane, waiting to be opened. Focusing on it Garen learns more about it.... there is law, but also something else. Not Mechanus but... Archeron?

Yes, Archeron it is- one of the deeper layers, most likely Tintibulus- a place of ash and dust where the the odd sided solids that are so common to this layer are ground to dust. Next Garen finds what he has to do to open it- he does not need a key, he simply can substitute a gesture for it.

When he stopped the questions start and Garen is not disappointed. The Guvners present are good, know a lot about the topic and of course Garen has to defend some of his more exotic theories.
Being prepared well makes it easy for him to explain and to answer and soon the discussion will come to an end, only the Factol himself having stayed silent- all according to the rules.

((feel free to interrupt the narrative if Garen decides to do something during the events described here))

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Garen would answer the questions honestly and accurately, always mindful of the location of the rift. When the questions began to slow, indicating that the other BCÂ’s were satisfied, he would turn to the Factol and continue.

“As explained, most places of like alignment will converge on each other, drawn to one another due to the basic nature, the similarities between, such places. The courts themselves represent a strong and massive focus of Law within the city, therefore it makes sense for specific planes to drift towards it within the Ring.”

He motions towards the small rift and makes a small movement with his hand, opening the portal. He continues speaking no matter what reactions were elicited.

“As we all know, Archeron is a plane of Law and it makes sense that it would be drawn to the Lawful Strengths of the courts. The portal you see in front is a one directional rift between the courts and Archeron… more specifically Tintibulus. The more closely aligned the locations, the easier it is to understand the target locations. Nothing can use the portal on the other side to return here as the portal created is not a stable rift… it is simply a small connection suitable to create a temporary bridge, a wormhole of sorts. Unless one is prepared to face what may be on the other side, I would advise against reaching through.”

He would try to maintain the rift portal for as long as possible should they wish to quickly examine it but would allow it to close naturally should it become difficult or show any signs of danger. He would then conclude his presentation and take his seat.

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 12:00 am
by *Sunshine
The sudden rift gets their attention and even Hashkar sits up a bit to examine the portal- but what impresses them kore is the way Garen opened it.

Of course he had explained the theories and told her about his results but witnessing these laws work is something very different.

The sounds of things clashing echoe through the room and the air smells metallic and bitter- the bridge between the dimensions stable enough to allow air and sounds pass through the gap.

One of the researchers is getting up, obviously fascinated by what he sees and quickly he casts divinations.

"It is perfectly stable and big enough to allow travel.", he confirms, his collegues taking some more notes.

After Garen finished his presentations they discuss what they saw, whispering, comparing notes, then one of them approaches the Factol, whispering something.

Hashkar nods then gets up:

"Today we gathered..."

And here he goes, in his usual way of speech he explains first why they are here (and why not anywhere else), what led to the research presented today, some history of Garen's work in the Fraternity, ect, ect.

An hour passes and he then comments on what he saw and while his speech is without many emotions Garen nevertheless feels that the old dwarf is impressed- which is something that is not happening a lot these days..
Another hour passes with the dwarf emphasizing the importance of what Garen learned- for both the faction and the multiverse itself- before the dwarf comes to an end:

".... and so you have the permission to take the tests necessary to advance in rank. Todays presentation will serve as a substitute for the test forms A-L786/c and A-F679.

This session is closed, thank you all for attending."

The old dwarf gets up and hurries out of the room while the other researchers congratulate Garen- one of them even has hidden a bottle of the planar equivalent of scotch and four glasses which now are filled to toast Garen and his success.

Beginning Reasearch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Garen would nod respectfully, thanking his Factol for his professional opinion. He would then spend a bit of time enjoying the accolades from his associates. After returning to his office he would send a note of appreciation to all those who had aided in his research and ensure such was noted on each of their files.

He would take his tests as required, likely doing very well on them as he has been preparing for this for quite some time.