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Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
Bureau Chief Quiros of the Bureau of Planar Affairs (Baator division), along with a shocking number of his Aides, has recently come down ill. He has been resigned from his post, effective immediately, as he is no longer conscious and able to carry out his duties. 

This has caused some stir in the Courthouse, as he and his aides had been working on a rather important (and dark) project with the Baatezu. The rest of the Bureau of Planar Affairs is scrambling to find a replacement.

The Bureau Chief went home early two days ago, complaining of tiredness. He has not been able to come to the Courthouse since. His wife, Administrator A3 Evelyn Quiros, sent word to the Courthouse today that he had fallen into a coma. So far, no one has been able to wake him. 

5 of his aides seem to be suffering from a similar malady.

Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:00 am
by *poststructuralism
*Crake visits the bureau of Planar Affairs and leaves the highest ranking member he can find with the following letter, introducing himself and asking that it be delivered to whomever is in charge in the interim absence of the afflicted Chief Quiros:*

Chiefs and Administrators of the Bureau of Planar Affairs,

Greetings and best wishes to you in your bureau's time of struggle, and my sympathies for honorable Bureau Chief Quiros and his many noble aides in their time of affliction and malady. Please let me know if I may assist you in some way with your struggles. I am a mere A10 Administrator with the Bureau of Courts, but I am a somewhat experienced planewalker with no fear of disease due to monastic discipline, and the blessing of immortality due to my unusual heritage. If I can aid your bureau in any way, I will not hesitate to do so. The darker chant is that this has something to do with the Baatezu. I have been to two circles of the Nine Hells and returned intact before, and I am willing to travel there on behalf of the Fraternity and your Bureau if necessary. Please, do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything you need.

A10 Crake
Bureau of Courts

Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
A10 Crake,

Thank you for your kind note. As you have no doubt heard, we have several openings now in the Bureau of Planar Affairs. Are you applying for a transfer? I have included the relevant forms, if so.

As to the Dark you mentioned, please know that any rumors you may have heard about Baatezu involvement in our misfortunes are likely just that: rumors. Our contacts in Baator are just as inconvenienced as we are by the current state of affairs. 


Administrator A3 Evelyn Quiros

Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:00 am
by *Sumdude23
When Izra hears of the chant, she becomes contemplative sitting in her room staring at her texts.  She decides to visit the Quiros family to offer her condolences as well as offer her assistance.  Izra finds herself at the home, standing in front of the very door, but her hand refuses to raise and knock upon it.  She stares down at her hand wiggling her fingers and makes a ball with her fist , rising it and willing herself to tap upon the door.  (( discord or in game likely better from here on))

Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:00 am
by *Loth
Aide Sharruk stopped by the Bureau of Planar Affairs to apply for any openings, expressing his interest in this specific project.

Word around the Courthouse. . .

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
The Bureau of Planar Affairs is very happy to have a volunteer, and furnishes Sharruk with all the paperwork required for the transfer. It seems that there is only one person left working on Bureau Chief Quiros' project, and though he is dedicated, that's simply not enough. 

//Poke me on Discord or PM for specific details, Loth :)