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The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh
((This is a topic for keeping track of necessary details for the trial and courtroom, ... sher-trial ))

Judge: Georguy Stomas, B2 of Fraternity of Order

Defendant/Accused: Saburo "Skin Slasher"
Defense Lawyer: Maraphiel
Witness(es): Silvery elf Argent, Eryines Klo Thort, Scholar Urebrin
Evidences: Exhibit 1 - A deal between Maraphiel and Tsayrovs confirming the legal possession of the slave (attachment: relevant permits), Exhibit 2 - An extract from the Baatorian registry of soul, assessing Saburo's as contracted for Hells, Exhibit 3 - A confession by Klo Thoort regarding a case of Maraphiel's arrest by Measure One Chria

Prosecution: Hani Sato, A5 of Fraternity of Order
Witness(es): Sharon, Dace, Jack Kail Mover 2
Evidences: Testimony of the above on the day of the trial; written testimony of those unavailable to be present in person; select sections of interviews with those mentioned above, Kaltia, Maharaja, the accused, and Altair; weapons belonging to the accused; medical records of the injured; filed Harmonium evidence from the crime scenes 

Jury: None

1 Count Crime Spree
2 Counts of Murder 
1 Count Treason 2 Counts Assault 
1 Count Destruction of Property 
1 Count Resisting Arrest 
1 Count Theft
2 Counts Disrupting the Peace
1 Count Wielding Weapons in Public
1 Count Failure to Comply with a Lawful Order
1 Count of Dangerous Behavior

City Courtroom Information
  • No armors within the Courtroom. (everyone will be inspected on entrance, one should wear casual clothing)
  • No weapons within the Courtroom. (everyone will be inspected on entrance)
  • Accused is going to be having hands and legs shackled during the court.
  • Spells may only be cast by neutral Judge approved spellslingers.
  • Only witnesses and evidences registered before the trial begins will be taken on count.
  • Witnesses during the trial are kept in separate rooms outside the courtroom, they can't hear the others or converse with others during it is going.
  • This is open trial, cutters and bashers are allowed to come watch.
  • Order will be kept by neutral Court decided guards.
  • Incase of derailing, judge will order the trial to proceed.
City Court Proceedings
  1. Everyone are taken to their places.
  2. Judge comes in, everyone rises.
  3. Charges are read, judge will open the trials officially with slam of his hammer.
  4. Opening speeches: First goes defendant that can make opening speech to introduce himself- the point of view of this case, after this the prosecution does the same (introduce the victim and then talk of the case), prosecution as right to do this later on also right before they call their witnesses. ((For future cases, probably better make it prosecution first, defense after, that makes more sense))
  5. Prosecutions Witnesses: Now are called Prosecutions witnesses one by one, the Prosecution will question them first, after which defendant questions them. Evidences may be brought in middle of the witness questionings.
  6. Defendants Witnesses: First are called Defendants witnesses one by one, the Defendant will question them first after which prosecution questions them. Evidences may be brought in middle of the witness questionings.
  7. Judges decision: Judge will determine whether the accused is guilty, or not guilty.

The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:00 am
by *Alioops
((Don't believe there is a defense lawyer anymore, but here's the information.  Apologies for lateness, it's been one of those weeks.))

Prosecution: Hani Sato, A5 of Fraternity of Order
Witness(es): Sharon, Dace, [Harmonium Measure from arrest], Hani
Evidences: Testimony of the above on the day of the trial; written testimony of those unavailable to be present in person; select sections of interviews with those mentioned above, Kaltia, Maharaja, the accused, and Altair; weapons belonging to the accused; medical records of the injured; filed Harmonium evidence from the crime scenes 

Jury: None

1 Count Crime Spree
2 Counts of Murder 
1 Count Treason 2 Counts Assault 
1 Count Destruction of Property 
1 Count Resisting Arrest 
1 Count Theft
2 Counts Disrupting the Peace
1 Count Wielding Weapons in Public
1 Count Failure to Comply with a Lawful Order
1 Count of Dangerous Behavior

Based on the nature of this crime, the prosecution asks that all shapeshifting be forbidden and all shapeshifters return to their natural form for the duration of the trial for all those in the court and in the gallery.  True Sight screenings will occur on entry.

The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:00 am
by *frozen_heart_of_cania
The documents were delivered just before the designated closure.
The defending side wishes to register the following as their witnesses in the Skin Slasher case.

Silvery elf Argent
Eryines Klo Thoort
Scholar Urebrin

The defense would also like the following evidence registered:
Exhibit 1 - A deal between Maraphiel and Tsayrovs confirming the legal possession of the slave (attachment: relevant permits)
Exhibit 2 - An extract from the Baatorian registry of soul, assessing Saburo's as contracted and eternally damned for Hells
Exhibit 3 - A confession by Klo Thoort regarding a case of Maraphiel's arrest by Measure One Chria

The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh
With the trial ended, the judge found Saburo guilty of 1 Count Crime Spree, 2 Counts of Murder, 2 Counts Assault, 1 Count Resisting Arrest, 2 Counts Disrupting the Peace, 1 Count Wielding Weapons in Public, 1 Count Failure to Comply with a Lawful Order, 1 Count of Dangerous Behavior. Based on the evidence, witness statements and accuseds own statements.

Sentencing has been schedualed for another day, in which brought up matters of insanity will be evaluated and further measures of justice will be determined.

The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:00 am
by *frozen_heart_of_cania
Soon after the trial a formal letter the Courthouse, with detailed reference numbers of the Skin Slasher case
To whom it may concern,

The legal representation of the accused,in the referenced case wishes for the the appeal request attached to be formally considered along with the proposed plea.

Request is based upon the following grounds

 1) Ineligible premises
By Law for guilt to be ascertained it is required that there is (i) a social damage or criminal result, (ii) the act (iii) the criminal intent; and it is a reasonable perception that all there were displayed in the trial. But the third condition stands only under assumption that there is a subject capable of internal intent. By Exhibit 1. however, submitted to the trial, it is shown that the accused has a legal status of a slave. As such they are legally unfeasible of being considered to be responsible for their action, rendering the concept of criminal intent ineligible. A beast that escaped its cage, someone's property, may not be tried for the aggressive behaviour as it does not have the required legal status. An enraged hound may not be tried for charges such as for example resisting arrest, disrupting peace or failure to comply with law - for their sheer inadequacy to be able to develop an understanding of such concepts

2) Doubts of misconduct and conflict of interest
By statements noted in the protocol, aide Sato has been known to become personally a victim of the tragic incidents. From information obtained from the accused, which has also been recorded in the protocol as Remark [2] of the accused, it has been transparent that the Accused was offered Styx water by the prosecutor. Finally by, Exhibit [3], aide Sato  has been involved in legal harassment of the defending lawyer prior to the case. These grounds form a reasonable suspicion of conflict of interest and potential misconduct. By Law, an official involved in prosecution must be an individual of immaculate integrity. Potential use of Styx water on the accused by the prosecutor is a very serious suspicion, especially accompanied with the doubts casted at the conduct.

Thus,including also the recorded in the trial protocol doubts about the mental sickess of the accused, it is requested that the sentence is adjourned, the accused moved to Gatehouse under necessary guard and (i) due diligence regarding the legal status of the property and its eligbility for being attributed criminal intent, and thus, guilt, is performed (ii) independent external audit of an impartial third party clarifies the circumstances surrounding the alleged use of Styx water by Fraternity's officials,

The defense would, however, like to use this occasion to acknowledge the tragic incidents, and, to honour the victims, to propose humbly for the following plea to be considered:
The Accused, given his legal status, cannot be found guilty. The Royal Court of Mephistopheles, the legal owner of the slave in life (Exhibit [1]) and eternally forever thereafter (Exhibit [2]) will pay reparations to descendants of victims, or, in their absence, to City of Sigil. The accused, as danger to public, will be banished from Sigil and extradited into the hands of the legal owner.


The Skin Slasher Trial

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:00 am
by *Bloodlines
An official letter of response is sent back to Maraphiel
To Maraphiel of Mephistopheles,

I have reviewed your request for appeal and the proposed plea. In response to the grounds of which the appeal was made, I would like to clarify Sigilian Law’s definition of guilt. For a party to be found guilty by a judge, they must be found having committed a guilty act and have a guilty mind. A guilty act is a movement whether voluntary or involuntary produces an external element of a crime. A guilty mind is the mental element of the individual’s intent to commit the crime.

While I agree that a beast that escaped its cage should not be held legally responsible, the case of Saburo tries him as a sentient individual capable of its own choices. Were he considered a beast in the eyes of the court, he would have been put down without trial and would not have required legal representation. It is also common Sigilian Law that if the accused is a slave the owners of the slave may also be charged with the accused’s crimes. The status of slavery does not make an individual exempt from the law.

The accusation that A5 Sato offered the defendant Styx Water is serious and we will conduct an internal review of the matter. However, after reviewing the recordings of the trial, I did not see where such an offering came into play and there is currently no recorded documentation of an offering. Regardless, it will be reviewed, and the findings of the investigation will be forwarded to you. For the accusation of A5 Sato harassing the defense outside of court, please elaborate as that is also a serious accusation.

Unfortunately, it is not within the jurisdiction of the court to determine sentencing. Once the accused is found guilty, the fate of the individual rests solely with the Mercykillers. Exile or admittance into the Gatehouse must be decided by our friends that control the Prison.  I intend on forwarding a copy of this letter to the Factor Arwyl Swan’s Son, who has been tasked as the sentencing official as well as my recommendation for the good Factor to delay sentencing until appropriate parties have met to advise him on his decision.
With Respect,
Haiden Glover, B4
Appeals Council Review, Fraternity of Order