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Application For Permit(s)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 12:00 am
by *Vandole
Xaul Vohs, the mindflayer walks into the courthouse. He finds the closest clerk and presents a sealed note and package.
wrote: I, Xaul Vohs, hereby request the proper rights for traffic, trade, acquisition and ownership of slaves within the walls of Sigil. My previous experiences as an illithid has made maintenance and care of slaves rather inconsequential as it's regular practice within our culture.

This is *not* an application for the permission to take slaves or thralls within the city through domination, to be absolutely clear.

I will return in a few days time to check the results of this application to acquire the licences if permitted.

Included is payment for the expedition of the application process. 1000 jink
Upon delivery of the note, Xaul would take his leave without saying a word.

Application For Permit(s)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:00 am
by *Selebius
wrote:Xaul Vohs,

the licenses to buy, sell and own slaves have been granted after revieving your references given.

Please remember that all business inside Sigil is subject to Sigils laws and I attached a copy of the most important regulations and rules to this note.

Also attached are the permits as well as the 35, 4 jink not used in this process.

Hasclaan Guunt, A8