Requesting Analysis: Possible Link Between Crimes

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Posted by *Tomekk »

The following inquiry was submitted to the Fraternity of Order's Office of Triad affairs:

Submitted by: Ny'Leve Eversong, Harmonium, ranked as Notary-1, serving the role of Field-Medic with Hive Patrol A23-05-17.

Reason of inquiry: *Possible link between several crimes involving the theft of holy artifacts stolen from various clerical establishments, including but not limited to the Church of Boccob and the Shaman-Order of Gruumsh.
*I hereby formally a request an investigation into the matter, for I strongly believe that these crimes are linked together.

Addendum: *One enclosed document:
The document contains the names of several deities from various primes, including the affected Boccob and Gruumsh; as well as several Fraternity of Order portal designations.

"To elaborate, during an off-duty task a group of ragtag adventurers were tasked by a cleric of Boccob, one Father //forgot his name//, to retrieve a holy tome from the depths of Under Sigil. As we made our way down, we dispersed a group of thugs and bandits hired to guard the tome. Approaching our objective, we met a rather aggressive Eye of Gruumsh and his two guards, who were, incidentally, also searching for a holy artifact, the Spear of Slaying. Diplomacy ensued, and we managed to convince them that their artifact was not there and they left, leaving the book of Boccob discarded on the ground. I found the enclosed document on the corpse of a medium-aged human female."

Signed, Ny'Leve Eversong
Posts: 1073
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Selebius »

After a few days she gets an answer:
wrote: Namer Eversong,

we were able to assign the correct portals to the numbers given- they lead to the primes of Oert and Toril as well as to Baator and the Elysium.

Investigating this case is the Harmonium's duty but checking our records showed that there will be soon a Trial held against a Paladin of Heironeus who was involved in a battle with followers of Nerull, causing the death of two of them. He is still held at the barracks at the request of a ranking Harmonium member of his faith.

Fennix Tell, A8

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