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Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
Zaed would walk on into the reception area to file his request.
"I would assume this is where I would report to in order to obtain a building permit?"

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
As she leaves her office Caterina passes Zaed. Her eyes are bloodshot and there are dark rings visible benath them as if she had been up all night. Her tone is clipped and abrupt. She seems short tempered.

"What are you planning on building and where? It will make a difference as to which forms you will require."

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
"A structure that would hold business offices including some rooms designated as crafting facilities. There will be no storefront, so no need for a permit for one. As for location, I intend to have it built in the vicinity of the lower ward."

Zaed would be wording it all as carefully as he can, clear and concisely. He needed it to be as such due to not wanting to reveal the exact nature of the work that will be performed there. If asked, his response as to the nature of the work that will go on there would be as follows, "Nahalis Enterprises is dedicated to accepting crafting contracts and handing them off to the crafters that best fill the job at hand. We focus on bringing the customers and the crafters together, that way the customer gets what he or she wants and the crafter gets due credit for their work as well as a spreading of their name and the quality of their work."

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
After a few days, Zaed would return to check on the status of his request, waiting patiently in the waiting area to be assisted.

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
//Sorry for the delay have been away.

After waiting for several days to be the subject of a background check and proposals for the new building being posted on site prior to construction starting to allow for any kind of petition or formal protest Zaed would be given planning permission for the structure and license to own and distribute crafting materials up to and including those which are considered moderately dangerous under the Fraternity's published guide to toxins explosives and dangerous materials.

When Zaed comes to check on the status of his application he is handed it all along with some forms baring the symbol of the fated. The disgruntled sounding imp who deals with his request explains them.

"If you plan on your crafting venture turning a profit you'll have to fill these out too."

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
Zaed would be carefully scanning the documents to make sure everything is in order.

"Indeed. seems everything is in order, but I have an offer for the triad as well." He would sign the documents but not without filling out a contract advisement request as well.

On the contract work forms, there would be the following.
wrote: To the heads of the triad,

As a new business, I am hoping for some support. And in support, I mean a potential customer. For granting the permit, and if in the future I have any other requests of the nature of my business, I am offering the triad a discount on contracted work. This include both our crafting/engineering, and research departments. Just bring me a copy of this document and I will know to give a discount.

~Zaed Nahalis

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
When the note reaches her desk Caterina writes a prompt response.
Mr Nahalis

I am pleased to here you were able to negotiate the correct avenues of the law in establishing your business.  Rest assured your granting of a license was entirely a result of your compliance with Sigil's laws, as will be the maintenance of said license.  The Fraternity is not in the practice of entering business relationships with private organizations such as yours, and individual members of the Fraternity do not accept gifts during the course of their work as this could crate a conflict of interest.

I however thank you for the gesture and wish you luck in your venture.

Regards Caterina Arnders
Administrator A7
Department of Interfactional Affairs
Given her penchant for keeping records of her communications Caterina places Zaeds note in a file with his other communications with the Fraternity for easy reference later.

Seeking Of A Building Permit.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:00 am
by *DemonAbyss10
Zaed would respond back as follows.
To A7 Caterina Arnders,

No complaints here. I could just nullify the discount part. Regardless, if any members of the triad need assistance in manners of equipment or research, we will serve as required.

And I likewise wish you good fortune in your own goals and those of your allies.

sincerely, Zaed Nahalis
He honestly did not think about conflicts of interest when it came to it. He however would still treat members as he would any other potential future customer, by making as decent of an impression as he could, as evident in his notes.