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Proposed Legislation: Light Sensitivity Act

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:00 am
by *Xndar
Drafter: Aide Caelus Nin

Proposed Content: The act of casting a globe of light cantrip upon ones self or another whilst in full view of the public and without due cause (due cause hereby being defined as the following authorized actions: dispelling an illegally cast Darkness spell (hereby defined as a spell of darkness cast with determined hostile intent) from one's self or a voluntary third party, or aiding in the search for a wanted criminal with Harmonium or Mercykiller authorization and supervision) is hereby deemed a criminal act in accordance to existing prohibitions against disturbing the peace, and obstructing justice via the visual impairment such spells inflict upon on-duty guardsmen.

First-time offenders will be subject to an official warning by on-duty guardsmen. Following multiple offenses, the offending party will be subject to arrest or fines at the discretion of the presiding Harmonium officer.