Case Against Marroweater

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Posted by *incarnate »

A pale woman dressed in black and white, wearing a festive mask would strut to the high court and for anything resembling a frontal desk to get a time for legal aide to discuss about a case of obvious false advertisement. *guess any person that feels like it can take it up?*

She'd express the case as follows.. yes in rhymes.

[align=center]Case Against Marroweater

Me and my buddies, were conducting to a blood substance some studies.
Then a secret tried to sell this Marroweater, turned out he was just a cheater.
"I'll tell you secret" was his advertisement, so I paid and heeded his advisement.
Told us we were stupid and that it was blood, however both of those he had already said in constant flood.
Thus it could not have been a message concealed, only getting people of their moneys peeled.
I learned nothing new, so matter of false advertisement and trickery this is in my view.
He took money in sum of three ton, and in return I got worth of none.
With me were Sibuna, Darremar and Jall, Woman, elf and halfling quite small.

So can you take this case? To put the ogre in his place.

((DM Cadence said that he might be away for a while from tomorrow onward, but that other DM could take the stand =D))
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Posted by *DemonAbyss10 »

((well guvner characters can get involved, since well you put it before them XD))
Ven would go up to the newcomer, hoping to use the opportunity to rise up in the ranks.

"So it seems you want to file a complain for the business bureau? Well fill out forms S-51 through S-64-C. As for witness reports, makes sure that each witness fills out a complete and accurate report on an individual basis, form W-12 To be precise. Also fill the form out in a form understandable to most, not unneeded Rhyming and prose, due to the fact it will slow your case to a halt, or get it outright ignored due to the fact its not filled out to protocol."

He would then hand her a rather large stack of forms to fill out. "Make sure they are collated in Alphanumeric order in red ink. Now just don't be like that taker who came here a while back raising a huge scene of having to fill out even one document. Fill out the forms nice and proper, and getting your case through shall be easy."
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Posted by *incarnate »

*She'd of course reply in further rhyme:*

[align=center]Oh let me explain, I'm not here to complain.
To this Great Bazaar merchant I want something done, and not get this usual rhyme shun.
Talking in rhyme, is by Sigil standards not a crime.
First a Hardhead for rhyming arrest, and now with also guvners about it I have to wrest?[/align]
*she actually seems more disappointed by that fact than that she got tricked out of her jink*

[align=center]I believe I can write, how I prefer right?
To have a freedom of ones lifestyle belief, without getting cast at the laws grief.
But if that is not the case, then this is not a justice place.
And if my speaking gets you the case to ignore, then this knight of the post ogre will only get victims more.
I might also mention, that your faction is mostly about existences comprehension.
So others to act like thee demanding, doesn't sound like your factions intended understanding.
To add to the critique, why all the documents when I can clearly speak?
In the rhyming contrast, this seemed contradictory to fill dozens papers to make things "fast".
Also technically where do I need you? If all the work I have to go through. . .[/align]
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Posted by *DemonAbyss10 »

Ven would set the stack of documents nearby. "I don't mind the speaking, what I do mind is the higher ups blowing steam if they cant decipher rhymes. As for the documents, they must be filled, it is standard protocol. You say we are about justice? Its about the laws. If you want justice, that would be the mercykillers domain. We have rules that have to be filed, not following such will cause problems. And as for your case, as per article 43 of the Business Bureau, what you request is defined as a complaint." He would set an inkwell of ink and a quill by the documents. "If you are going to fill them out, I can at least ensure you are comfortable." He would point to a nicely arranged seating/study/lounge type of area with tables and some comfy chairs. "If you need a drink, I can arrange that as well."

He would sigh as he walked back, he would hope silently that she did not prove to be as annoying as Rylif was in the long run. He had no issue with the rhyming himself, but he knows how protocol is when documents need filling out and such, he studied up on it pretty hard.

In the meantime as he retuned to the desk, A8 Garen Seph would recieve another note.
wrote: Dealing with a barmy nutter who talks in rhyme. Directed her to fill out the documents for the consumer complaint she wants to file. Did what I can to convince her of such. I just hope that she does not fill out the whole document in rhymes for if that happens, I might just have to enact document destruction protocol 587. The only question is, do we have an easily accessible Otyugh?
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Posted by *incarnate »

[align=center]Here I thought law and justice were mutually inclusive, rather than your share being the system oh, very obtrusive.
I also thought laws were to protect the citizen rights, rather than the bureaucratic heights.
But it seems like it's easier to commit crimes, than be warded from them, strange times.
If you don't want people like me and the Fated get on your nerve, perhaps start to think how you your customers serve.

Perfectly understably I speak, high-ups not understanding seems reason quite weak.
Thus far not once has there been communication misunderstanding, so certainly the message comes out outstanding.
I'm really starting to think of hiring lawyer, to whom Fraternity of Order won't be employer.
Actually that's what I'm going to do, better I should've knew.[/align]

*she'd then strut instead to the front desk and ask for complaint form to fill, unless stopped before hand, the complaint form would obviously be filled with rhymes.

And for the complaint form she'd put out the following if there's "write freely" slot somewhere in it*

[align=center]In future think should you how serve will your clerk, it seems mere obstacle if customer has to do all the work.
Also for your leniency I beseech, surely everyone have right for their way of speech?
Yes I speak and write in rhyme, but if message is clear surely that isn't a crime?
I got robbed of my gold, but instead of help for my speech I get scold.
Is this truly how Fraternity it wants to be? So for future leniency and customer ease I plea.
I'm really not trying to be difficult or hostile, but I thought it was your factions duty to see this to trial.
I don't want your reputation smudged, but from the begin it feels like I'm the one judged.
Sure I was even offered a drink, but in the contrast the value feels to shrink.

I was expressed that Fraternity doesn't feel to be just, and that doesn't truly fill me with trust.
Then all these papers and documents you want me to fill, I thought it was part of Guvners job to handle the quill.
I really just wanted something to this situation done, but then felt like this would lead to none.
I hope this won't just get dismissed, but rather taken to consider to other Cagers assist.

You can call me Mirth, for all that it is worth."

//Yes she's very much into her own 'rights' and 'freedom' being chaotic she is ;D//
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Posted by *Darkrob »

He would reply back to Ven
wrote:It seems to me that this isn't even our issue to deal with... unless you wish to run with it yourself. If the merchant is being accused of an illegal act then it is the jurisdiction of the Harmonium to properly investigate it. Once they have decided that a crime, indeed, took place... then we can proceed from there on their findings.

Should you be feeling generous with any spare time you may have, then feel free to walk it through the system for her but I think you'd simply be wasting it. My advice is to simply send her to the Barracks.

A8 Seph
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *DemonAbyss10 »

Ven would just simply make a mocking bow as she turns to leave and do her own "Complaint". He would return to the desk to finish up on what he was doing before running documents once more.

"First that fated, when most of them tend to be reasonable when dealing with us. Then that loony berk... what is sigil coming to..." He would mumble as he goes on to his next duty, refilling the 'beverage device', which he hated to do. We all know how tinker gnomes are, invent something that could be useful, but they can and will backfire when most definitely not needed.
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