A letter addressed to a Mover.

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Posted by *DemonicResonance »


My name is Alathra Blackthorne. I was inducted in the Harmonium not too far in the past, and my rank is Notary One. I have been on patrol duty for almost the entire time. I have made some rather disturbing observations, however, and this is my reaction.

In my time here, I have witnessed ordinary citizens speaking harshly of what should be a respected peacekeeping force, the Harmonium. Why they do such is beyond me, as our tenets are those of justice and the righting of wrongs.

Another, and more dire observation, is that of organized crime running rampart within Sigil - violent crime and chaotic lawbreakers we can deal with, and they represent an often fleeting danger as justice quickly brings her eyes upon them from their own actions.

Organized crime, however, knows how to conceal itself, and to spin a web of lies to protect itself. According to my knowledge, the Harmonium is powerless to try and prevent this, if laws are only broken when it is advantegous of the criminal, often in dark and secluded places. These people are twisted individuals, thriving in an illusion of fear sorrounding their beings, and I have spoken with other notaries who dare not take action due to fearing for their own lives.

I have no such fear, and I think it an abomination that these men and women are able to laugh in our faces, never a chance to bring justice as our hands are bound by creed and law.

It is therefore that I request to build a unit of experienced investigators and officers of the Harmonium to launch a proper investigation into organized crime within Sigil.
While I may be young in the service of the Harmonium, I have kept vigil over peace and justice for many years now, in the service of a Knightly Order; this has blessed me with the knowledge of how to protect those who cannot protect themselves, even when facing devious individuals who wish for nothing more than to prey on the weak, ever feeding their own perverse desire for wealth and power, unaware of the emptiness such ideals present.

I offer to be in charge of this unit myself, and answer directly to any officer above me - as I see it, we have little to lose by such a bold attempt. I also offer to prove my qualifications, should questions have arisen.

In Duty and Faith,

Alathra Blackthorne, Notary One.
Posts: 125
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *DM_Duke »

Mover Caine is genuinley amused when he reads this, Mover Shar looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Caine nods to him.

"Ill humor her." Said Caine with an amused expression.

Soon enough Alathra gets a reply:

"Notary Blackthorne, was it? I think I have your records, what I could retreive from them anyway. I should inform you that we already have a devoted team of investigators, a specialist division infact entirley purposed to the study of Harmonium inquiry.

If of course you'd like to apply yourself forwards to this team, I would be more than happy to see you join it at any time you feel fit, we should discuss in private in my office.

I will be eager to hear a reply.

Signed: Mover Five, Kileen Caine, Factor of the Harmonium."

He sighed and sent it off as Tonat Shar stepped beside him. "Well Caine, now what?"

"Now?" He replied, the half-elf that was Caine adjusted his twitchy ear a moment. "Now, we wait for a reply. By the way, was the healing alright?"

"Better than ever... its been a while since I used my legs, and my lungs."

"Well then old friend, you'll soon enough be solving crimes once more I fear."

Tonat chuckled. "Death wont stop a man doing his job Caine."

Caine smirked. "Your Right of course... Tonat Shar, Death didnt stop you."
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