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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:00 am
by *Captain Vanguard
A Letter Of Important Notice!

To Any Measure One, Mover or even the Factol themselves.

I, Notary Amaku Yamikaze and trainee Officer need to requisition a full warrent for one Necroth.

Necroth has been able to elude me when I have attempted to confront him in the past. I regreat to announce I have been unable to apprihend the criminal under several clear charges of crime within the walls of Sigil including:
Shapeshifting into a Devil and using said Devil form to terrorise the populace.
Attacking Sigil citizens and outright killing several notable parties.
Causing a full disruption of the peace with every intention of creating a scene of chaos performing generally disturbing acts such as the consumtption of live-shaven-kittens before his peers.

I believe this evidence stacked against him is worthy of a full warrent for his arrest and I thank whoever recieves this for their time.


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh
*Cratten Erroc takes a look at the list and then writes his reply*

While there ain't anything against the whole shapechanging and eating kittens parts, rest of this seems to warrant arresting him and taking it to trials, I suggest ye try to have at least two other Hardheads when attempting to arrest him. I will likely take part of the arresting, but ye may proceed already if ye so wish. We want him alive, not dead if it can be avoided.

Warrant to arrest Necroth - Granted.

- Cratten Erroc
Measure One of the Harmonium.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:00 am
by *Atrivaries
*Atrivaries shuffles his papers*

Request for warrant on:
Granite Stonejaw

Granite has recently transformed into a rock creature of large size, and assaulted Tomas Rilver in the Great Bazaar at midnight...Granite fled the scene claimed he "Just wanted Tomas to see" and immediatly ran off...Granite's whereabouts are not yet known


Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:00 am
by *Rust
Arrest Made

Perpetrator: Kithra (description follows)


Attempted Murder,
or Assault (if the previous is too difficult to prove)
Disturbing the Peace
Destruction of Property (a smashed chair and table at Khazeet's)

Khazeet(hostile witness - she spends a lot of jink at his bar! He doesn't want to testify against her)
Vara Jorina (hostile witness - refuses to testify)
Shamus Inodine

At approximately 1430pm Sigilian time (1845 or so CST GMT -6) the perpetrator, to wit, "Kithra", did assault with deadly intent, at Khazeet's bar, one Shamus Inodine. According to witnesses the two exchanged heated words, with Kithra growing ever more hostile.

Witness Minerva states that Kithra attacked first, to wit, threw a punch. Khazeet states he is uncertain who started it, but points out that it was Shamus who drew a chiv during the brawl. Minerva counters with saying that Kithra was beating the old man to death, and even had a weapon (entered into evidence: one smashed chair) of her own.

Kithra was magically held by Vara and the Harmonium (assumed, no PC Harmonium was online at the time) took her into custody and put her in jail, awaiting a trial. Vara also helped the fallen Shamus (Coin of Life).

Shamus Inodine, naturally, wants this pursued to the full extent of the law.

((( OOCly: If found guilty of attempted murder, she'd likely spend years in prison. I'd say she goes up for the lesser charge of Assault, and gets thirty days of hard labor. IF she's found guilty, who knows, she might get off if she gets a good lawyer.

In any event, even 30 days is a LONG time IG, and the player will agree to shelve (not play her) for, say, 2-4 weeks, after which she'll get out for "good behavior", or perhaps another PC will pay restitution in jink to Shamus (she's stated she'll never do that, though, and doesn't have the jink anyway).

This ball's in the Harmonium's court, though. If any want to pursue or Rp it. If not, I'll just roll some random dice and see what happens that way)))


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:00 am
by *Rust
Given the lack of evidence, or it seem, or even interest in the case by the Harmonium or Guv'ners, the perpetrator was held in jail for four days and then released with a strict warning concerning brawling in the city streets (an offense that many planewalkers and cagers seem to commit often, and to a more serious degree, as in using weapons or powerful spells).


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:00 am
by *Cenpuppie
**a neatly written note is left in the barracks, preferably left at the Factol's desk or a subordinate**

I, Chari, wish to join the ranks of the Harmonium guard. I hope to lead by example and enforce this laws and sanctions of Sigil and seek to pledge service with this faction.

*Note is signed,

Chari, Paladin of Bahamut


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:00 am
by *ovarf
Cant is that Nemeses is not a person it is a new minor faction likely created to combat the so called Shadowsworn, the dead mercykiller was allied and working with nemeses, all members of the faction, when on mission, go by Nemeses.

Nemeses faction members have also reviled that they believe they know who the shadowsworn is and have passed that information to me one Linda (with description)

((had this information over a week but was hopping to relay it in game since that hasn't happened I am posting it here))


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:00 am
by *ovarf
Nick is looking into a rash of muggings in the Hive Quarter with or without Harmonium help.

Anyone with Information Please leave it with Nick Kenset


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:00 am
by *Cenpuppie
*Chari pens a note and delivers it to her superior officer*

I , Chari and member of the Harmonium have come into the possession of wand used by the criminal during the events a few nights past. A wand was given to me by a Yuan-ti half blood, named Discbearer a Sensate. If possible i would like to give this wand to the appropriate individual to aid in the investigation of the occurrence.

Contact me if you would about this matter.

*signed Chari, knight of Bahamut*


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:00 am
by *ovarf
Nick brings in a knocked out and somewhat beaten human with a draconian look to him.

*fills out he paperwork charging the guy with assault and attempted cannibalism on a patrol man*