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Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *Viann
((Yep, I see that now. Not sure where I got the race, must've misread it somewhere! Anyway, I fixed the original message))

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *rapsam2003
Viann,Aug 2 2016 wrote: ((Yep, I see that now. Not sure where I got the race, must've misread it somewhere! Anyway, I fixed the original message))
((No worries. All fixed now. See the post a few up from this one for the slave's reactions to Nica's actions.))

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *Viann
Seeing the further handicap make the issues ever more difficult. Nica studied the slave sympathetically, including the brand on the back of her neck, withdrawing her quill and paper after the notion of it being invain... or maybe not? She contemplated drawing. And then got reminded of all those terrible sketches she had scrapped when she had tried to improve her reports, by drawing what was in her mind, and only qualify for something along lines Xaositect art. That had been a lot of hours lost to methodically conclude that she sucked at art.

She shifted to contemplate the benefits of longitude of teaching her to read and write, for what might possibly only last two days. And the heck she knew about teaching people to read and write. Rubbing the bridge of her nose as she realised that she wasn't well equipped to deal with these kind of cases. Murmuring to herself in defeat. Leaning back.

"I'm going to need someone who can get a message across to them, and back..."

She straightened her posture again. Giving up was unacceptable, who gives a toss if it's difficult? That's not a solution, she needed a solution. Improvisation it is... she took the quill and made three rough humanoid figures. Giving one of them tentacles on the face, one of them skull face, the last a plain one. It wasn't perfect art... but she tried to emote herself, gesturing at herself, and at the plain humanoid figure. Attempting to emote that she represented that race. Then she gestured at the slave, or rather the back of her neck. And hovered her hand over each of the three figures, slowly, to see if there came any reaction while her hand was over any of them.

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *rapsam2003
The slave seems initially a bit surprised that the Harmonium Measure wants to continue interacting with her, as if most people just ignore her as soon as they figure out she can't read or write. She pays attention to the drawing and Nica, seeming to get the general idea. As Nica's hand hovers over the art, she definitely shakes her head "no" to each. Then, she gestures and takes up the quill.

As the slave touches quill to paper, her eyes roll back in her head. A pained look crosses the woman's marred but pretty face. Then, she gets a nosebleed. The slave throws down the quill, making whimpering noises and clutching her nose.

She ignores further interaction from Nica or anyone else.

((OOC hint: she's under a geas to not betray her owner.))

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *Scintilla
The measure was all too willing to palm the woman off to his co-worker with Measure Nica's arrival and the request that followed, a simple gesture of gloved hand in a wave inciting that very thought. Turning on heel, his heavy feet shifted to step aside, allowing both women room to pass en route to office and further business. Adjusting the patch that claimed weathered left eye, the remaining Measure returned to front counter and the multitude of paperwork stacked and waiting for his appraisal.

Within the cell block, the Half-Orc moved to unlock the gate in which the captive 'Roland' was being held; box of belongings (already sans badge) thrust into chest and arms with a grunt. An overly large vein seemed to throb in Gramodur's muscled neck as he gestured for the nearest guards, no less than three, to escort the man from the barracks.
"Get him outta my sight," he growled, the cell slamming shut with accompanying racket of marching boots.

Archibald, likely dressed in simple prison rags, would be directed to the exit and all but shoved out the door into the street of the Lady's Ward. Over the cycles that would follow, as per the explanation of Court procedures, the warlock could likely expect to be contacted over public channels by a Guvner with the Fraternity of Order.

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *Viann
Her expression seemed perplexed as none of the three seemed to yield results. There was two possibilities, one, she sucked at drawing. Two, another person of species that she hadn't considered. Theoretical fourth person? Or she sucked at drawing. She exhaled, and offered the quill when the slave seemed inclined to take it. Letting go off the quill and pulling back seeing her reaction. Her own palms held up visible as if gesturing that she was doing nothing instinctively.

As the nosebleed started and the quill was cast aside, she picked the quill up. Taking a napkin, awkwardly gesturing underneath her own nose, as if to gesture at the said nose bleeding effect, while putting the napkin on the slaves side of the table and leave it there. Nica appeared genuinely apologetic over the fact. And wouldn't press it any further... neither does she attempt to get her freed.

She'd wait a couple of days, keeping the slave under protective custody within the Barracks, assuming no one came during that time to fetch them. Proper paperwork would be made to transfer them to Gatehouse for the Bleaker care. If someone did come, legally she'd have to release her to them, and she would.

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *rapsam2003
The slave grabs the napkin, but refuses to do anything else.

During the next few days, she responds to basic commands but refuses any meaningful interactions. The woman barely eats, half of her food going cold or stale. She drinks any water given her in an almost ravenous manner, as if she's constantly thirsty. Occasionally, the poor woman is found with more nosebleeds or found weeping in grief. Both of which may explain her thirst. She appears to be in a constant state of fear and reacts badly to any attempts to convince her to draw as a form of communication.
It appears that - to the slave woman, anyway - she crossed some "invisible line", was thrown back across the line forcefully, and refuses to even approach that line ever again.

Vizier Accomplice

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by *Shadowcryer
Sorcerer simply followed the guards. He was not expressing his happines, or any feelings at all, and was quick to move out. Once he left antimagical field, Archibald said a few words on tongue of the lower planes, invoking his sinister magic as soon as possible, and surprisingly disappeared on sight, highly questioning his intent to return, when he should.

[Invoke: Retributive Invisibility to disappear on plain sight]
[Future rounds - Invoke: Walk Unseen to support the spell]