Recent Assassination Attempts

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Posted by *Viann »

Recent Assassination Attempts
[size0]by Nica Brianna Kelter, Measure One[/size]

There has been a couple attempts at life of an indep by the name of Sharon. First attack was within the Great Bazaar with an alchemical silver dagger and wolfsbane, clearly knowing enough of their target. The second one was a shot from far, when she was hanging in The Highness.

The main suspect is a female humanoid, dark tan skin, green eyes, dark hair. Seen to be utilizing cowls. A previous victim, succubi of the Society of Sensation, was able to get the name "Sel". Whether this is a real name, part of the real name, or a calculated alias, is yet unconfirmed. Another unconfirmed aspect is that this female "assassin" may be bound by their employer to a point of slavery, this remains a theory. But some appear to believe that to be a distinct possibility.

A reference of "Harmonium bounty" was put into the S.I.G.I.S. as a way to gather allies. However curiously enough meeting place for something so official was labeled to be Hive Ward, Night Market. A rather unsavory place for official legally sanctioned bounty, for someone that isn't even wanted for a crime. Needless to say, this is easily debunked as an untruth.

Thus far the exact motivations are a little hazy. But main culprit seems to be indicated to be Kyzburkzurl, a devil. Possibly tied agenda are celestial made blades that go by the name of "Keeper"-blades, there exists some speculation of their nature, with very little confirmation.

Few known owners exist, one of whom is Factor Argent of the Sign of One. Some others have exchanged hands more discreetly. I was able to view one of these blades, and it appears to have a message in celestial put on it.

"One thousand and one blades for one thousand and one brave arms. What cannot be killed must be Caged. The grace of the heavens held by man, and endless darkness finally ended. The light is stated, feed not the shadows. Remember the sacrafices, resist the tempatations."

There was some speculation that this may refer to it being a prison, or possibly a key to a prison. However I could also speculate that it merely urges weapons to not be used, so as to end conflict, it could be an ideology of some celestials to urge to sheath blades to end bloodshed... however such a "poem" can be interpreted in many ways. What I am aware is that the devil, Kyzburkzurl, is inclined to gather these blades for themselves and may have hired some blades to assist them.
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Posted by *silinrul357 »

A time later, another report was filed by Notary Loredubo, whom had assisted in some of the investigation. He made a verbal report directly to another Measure in the barracks.

"Further interviews have been conducted as part of the investigation. Leads in The Highness came up with nothing, but I took to an interview with Sharon to follow up on what she might have told Measure Nica. She has informed me that there was a report of a past incident in this series of events filed with the Mercykillers, and that these events had a third one invovled called Percy. It would be prudent to file the appropriate paperwork to share investigative information. There was also mentions of one called Marion, and one named in reference, Lyra, suspects her a devil in disguise making attempts as well, making a show of being skittish as a ruse. She is suspected of using mind magics to pull away witnesses to one of the assassination attempts. She takes the guise of a blond haired impoverished woman.

Sharon has also informed me that the succubi's name was Alya of the Society of Sensation. Along with her, other witnesses through these series of events have been named: Argent of the Signers, Danae of the Signers, ones named Torkin, Evangeline, and Alexander Fish. One named Saelyn was also witness to some, but she was present at the time of following up with Sharon, and stated she had little else to add.

A final note to follow up on those S.I.G.I.S. articles as stated, Sharon still keeps a copy of both of these on her person. Due to the nature of the reliability of S.I.G.I.S. as evidence in a official capacity, I had her keep possession of these until a time where an official request to turn them over might come."

Loredubo then followed through and finished by filing the appropriate paperwork.
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Posted by *Viann »

Addendum to the Report

I have recently been informed that the one previously identified by the name of "Sel", is likely to be "Seleya Sekthet", an emissary and translator. They have resided in the Three Dragons inn at least in the past, current residence is unverified.

I will be discussing this matter with one of the owners of the establishment, Aleis d'Cannith of the Society of Sensates, to see if they are still residing in there.
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Posted by *Cenpuppie »

Chari assistants head to Harmonium storage area and pulls the files for this case gathered b Nica and Loredubo.
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