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Aggressive Tax Collecting

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Viann
Aggressive Tax Collecting
[size0]Nica Brianna Kelter, Notary Three[/size]

I came across a report of aggressive tax collecting being complained about in the Great Bazaar recently. Unfortunately the independent league member did not know the name of the Fated member who issued these threats of violence for those who did not agree to pay.

There have also been posters being created and I have one attached to the report. I reminded the Great Bazaar that such display of aggression would not be tolerated by law, and is in and of itself criminal by summary offenses of Dangerous Behavior and Disrupting the Peace. Yet the Fated retain their right for pursuing their goals via legal path.

I have taken the initiative to send the Fated a reminder of the laws of the city.
attached poster wrote:Takers, take heed and keep your collectors on a shorter leash. They have been harassing customers of local businesses ceaselessly, and threatening them when they refuse to pay extra taxes for each and every drink purchased at Khazeet's bar.

The Fated may only collect taxes within the bazaar if the following rules are followed:

1: Taxes should not be levied on every single patron of any given establishment for each product purchased, at the same time. This breeds resentment and hostility while stifling trade. Obviously,
breaking this rule will reduce taxable income as well, due to merchants selling less stock.

2: Regardless of the validity of a tax, it should not be collected through harassment, threats, or violence. This breeds a large amount of resentment and hostility among Free Leaguers and customers belonging to other factions in the Bazaar.

3: Takers that attempt to cause trouble are not to be tolerated. This kind of behavior is an act of war, plain and simple.

Lately, you have had a few Takers violating all three of these sacred, common-sense rules. If this keeps happening, any alliances or pretense of friendliness will be dropped entirely, and you will no longer have any authorization to enforce permits, sell permits, or collect taxes in the bazaar at all.

Hopefully we can come to an agreement before this happens.

-Morthos Ashcroft

Aggressive Tax Collecting

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:00 am
by *Viann
[size0]Nica Brianna Kelter, Notary Three[/size]

The same Fated member has been implicated to violent behavior outside tax collecting. A humanoid called Iym'zebey Arab'ani expressed how events would unfold, these same matters were echoed by a woman called Sharon, and to extents Argent.

The name of the culprit remains unknown ((there was uncertainty whether it was IC knowledge, so to play on the safe side, I decided to go with "name unknown)), however having seen them in person for a brief moment: A human with medium length grizzled beard, bald head with shimmering tattooes on it, some described it as a "eldritch Sigil". A black sleeveless thigh-length slightly ragged jacket with wrist wrappings and leg wrappings. They have magical capabilities, the two powers I witnessed was a ray of acid, the other a magic to evade sight.

They were accused of destruction of property, an assault and enslaving some people. Destruction of property was a Sign owned by Altair, the motive was described as "it offended the Fated member", presumably something to do about intentional play of words. The assault was against Iym'zebey themselves, they were walking on a bridge within the Great Bazaar and "did not do enough space for them" on the said bridge to cross it.

The last is an attempt to enslave people within the Under Sigil. Needless to say, the characterization did not bode well and I witnessed them personally not long after the reports.

They displayed an open hostile action by attacking with an acidic ray attack against Argent, within the Great Bazaar, as they were confronted by myself as they were participants to slave trade, and previous accusations. The exact details of how the events unfolded to the attack aren't completely clear, but it'd seem that Argent did something to the goblin, behind my back, whom had been claimed to be willing slave, soon attacked the mindflayer clad in red robes accompanying the Fated human in question. The goblin quickly disposed, but hostilities escalated by the Fateds attack against Argent. I lunged forward seeing the Mindflayer also attempt to utilize their innate capabilities, managing to disrupt their attempt.

A few other spells were thrown and I heard a thump against the containers, presuming one of the spells had struck against the Fated with force, but could not see its effects tangibly. I demanded the mindflayer to yield, which it obligingly did. Dabus soon emerged and seemed to demand, even with an absence of rebuses or words, for a cease of hostility. My attention drawn by it, unfortunately gave the mindflayer a chance to flee the scene with the Fated utilizing some form of transportation magic.

The mindflayer was attributed to be a frequent traveler with the said Fated member, mutually according to Argent there is a potential that this mindflayer is infact tied to the matter of Rogue Fey, a possible deal made with them. Otherwise the mindflayer has generally, according to witness reports, resorted to snide remarks, but not directly take part in fights.

I will make another message to the Fated to inquire this culprits identity.