Another report by Corwyn Lux

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*Uneatable Financier
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Posted by *Uneatable Financier »

*The gold tinted armored man brings again a new letter to the measure in the lobby. He'd explain that it's a criminal report regarding cultist activity*
    Salutations fair members of Harmonium, It has recently come to my attention that a disheartening cultist activity has occurred for some time now within the Great Bazaar limits. The cultists would seem quite minor nuissance, but I am certain this cannot be legal activity even in Sigil, for they actively seek prey to feed for what they seem to believe to be their deity. A gelatinous cube. At least two halflings and a single yuan-ti are closely involved. Just yesterday there was open conversation of searching celestial and dwarves to sacrifice to what they believe to be their deity. They call it Bob. While I do not believe these to be entirely mentally stable or capable personalities, there is little I can do legally. I only fear that someday these fanatics actions may cause irreversible damage and wish that this would be prevented before it falls down on someone. May Heironeus guide your paths - Corwyn Lux Envoy of Heironeus [/li]
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Posted by *Agony_Aunt »

Harmonium Measure Erik is on duty when Corwyn arrives. He reads the note and says to Corwyn:

Ay, its a tricky one this. T'lady, she don't like any whiff of a deity in the Cage, that's for sure, but there again, that's her ladyships business.

But, unless these barmies do something illegal, then not much we can do about it.

Still, don't worry sir, our officers are patrolling the streets peak to antipeak. They so much as take one step out of line, we will have them in the cells before you can say Quetzalcoatl.
*Uneatable Financier
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Posted by *Uneatable Financier »

Corwyn inclines his head and replies in calm, non-judgemental tone.

"And it is exactly the day I fear that they will step over the line. Is there really nothing that could be done? Making sacrificial rites in middle of public in Sigil Bazaar to beings that once were living is very disheartening... and I truly would hope such actions should be kept at least in private rather than force such atrocities to be shown even to the children.

I understand freedom of religion, I really do. But even I must make adjustments to the path of Heironeus and live by the laws of lands, what I hope in behalf of my church is that there is some form of equality for the good of people. I want to help your cause of peace, I truly do, but I also cannot overlook these minor incidents that might crudely be called double standards to defend fiendish nature.

I will also apologize if my words come off strongly, I admire your work... but sometimes a man has to choose a side in difficult choices. Whatever is your final judgement is what I will honor under the tenet of authority in my code of conduct... but I urge you to give it another consideration from my point of view."
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Posted by *Agony_Aunt »

Erik responds:

Ah, well, t'law is t'law. That's how it is son. No law against being barmy... yet. Were still trying to get that one passed but the thrice damned Xaositects and others keep blocking it.

Still, sacrificial rites in public. Seems like a good way to get a flaying like. Her ladyship don't like that sort of thing at all.

((OOC: I've not really witnessed much of this but so far seen no actions that would cause the hardheads to arrest anyone, or even give them a caution. Still, ill make an annoucement about this, sometimes people ignore the fact that places like the bazaar have hardheads all around)).
*Uneatable Financier
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Posted by *Uneatable Financier »

Corwyn didn't seem happy of the decision, but he inclined his head. Before he turned to leave he left a reminder however...

I understand, however it is not madness I disagree with it is the cruelty that is shown in public, if they wish to worship a being, then let it be so... but sacrificial rites and vile rituals should not be allowed... just so you know, while I oblidge with the laws, there are many whom feel the same and not all of them are afraid to take justice to their own hands. And understand, I am not threatening, I am only warning so you know to be ready.

Now may Heironeus guide your path.

He inclined his head again and this time marched away.

((it's ok. :) I'm just making roleplay out of it. I don't mind that much, but gotta keep in character))
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Posted by *WhenWizardsWar »

The Air Genasi, newly joined among the Harmonium ranks leaves a note at the barracks after hearing of the report about the cultists.

"I have caught the tale end of these cultists gathering to worship the trash eater that frequents the city streets. They have indeed done nothing illegal and are only guilty of being quite barmy, I know one of the halflings repeatadly seen to be invovled goes by the name Zeb and refers to himself in the third person with alarming frequency, unfortunatly that is about the limits of what my investigation and observations has yielded so far....".

Zephyr Windblade (Huuuh Phuuu) (working on a name change....)
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