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Slander and Suspected Littering

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:58 pm
by NeverOutPunned
Jalax, currently factionless planewswalker and winterwolf reported a incident in the bazzar involving a unnamed hin in some distinctive variety of clothing termed "leiderhosen" wearing a hat with feathers and chewing some substance another identified as "tabacoo". His description of their facial features was sparse, but serviceable, possibly sufficient for a match to be made. (([PoliteHin] Marah Listeris))

They accused the hin of racially involved belligerence which they did not feel constituted a crime, however, they also made false, inflammatory statements about racial relations to other bazaar inhabitant that the wolf believed constituted slander and attempts to incite a riot. At the time of this occurrence, the bazzar was littered by propaganda both pro and anti hin, to which the winterwolf strongly suspects said being was involved.