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Minor Report on Unauthorized Magic

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:32 pm
by Saiceles
Today, at 2nd Guild of Capricious, 5 hours after peak, a report would be delivered to the Barracks.

Namer Selenis would deliver a detailed, if minor report, informing the Barracks that the non-citizen known as Arkantos Sevitae, of the Order of Servitae of Mount Celestia, has recently used healing magic without permission upon the Drow named Elvanshalee Ssambra, twice in a small amount of hours, despite being asked to refrain from doing so after the first time. The Celestial appeared stubborn in complying to her request and ignored the lack of consent, and has thus been fined at 500 Jink for the crime of Unauthorized Use of Magic and Disturbance of Peace. Witnesses confirmed the victim's report to be true, and are named as Khel Kurohana of the Indeps and Anatia, unaffiliated. The offender has been informed to ask next time if others would allow his magic to be used on them, and agreed to paying the fine. For now, the issue was considered resolved on the spot, but the name was requested to be filed in case of a repeated offense.