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Attempted Murder of a Factor

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:15 pm
by Lucadia

Location: The Rule of Five
Date: 10/30
Those Involved: Zar'afay

Small female elf approached me, clueless, seeking another elf to talk to in the Cage. Non descript and covered in full armor.
I agreed to speak with her figure she was lost and tell her about city and invited her to the Rule of Five. On the walk there
she said she was being cautious and did not want Kessa to follow us, that she only wanted to speak to a kin about what she needed.

When we got to the tavern, She asked if we was alone and safe. I told her yes and went to sit down by the bar. There was brief interruption as another walked in, then
walked out. She then stepped behind me and pulled a vennoned blade and started screaming I was a traitor. Then she was going feed me to the
maw of the mother. She then went to strike for my back then her leg suddenly gave away.

This gave me time to get out the way and she was still frothing about killing me to gain her power back. I made her a rock then called
Factioneer Varysh to the scene to take away the suspect for attempted murder of a Factor. Witness to numerous weapons and vials
of poison removed from her person, she had an arsenals.

Zar'afay is now sitting in the Prison awaiting processing.

Awaiting to speak to a lawyer and press appropriate charges.

Sworn Statement by Factor Argent Stardust