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Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh

Mercykillers (Red Death)
Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.
Factol: Formerly Mallin, now Alisohn Nilesia.
Sigil HQ: Prison (The LadyÂ’s Ward).
Home Field: Acheron.
Allies: Harmonium, Guvners
Enemies: Often Sensates, Signers, Revolutionary League.

Server Related Notes: Although Mercykiller is keeping order in Sigil, they are NOT DMs little helpers, your task is NOT to punish players. It is your characters task however to keep order in Sigil. Some might ask, "What do we do then!?" answer is roleplay, just like the others.

    As is the case with Arwyl Swan’s Son, the Mercykiller faction allows player characters to interpret the abstract concept of justice according to their personal ideals. Of course, this can lead to arguments between two Mercykillers, not to mention between a Mercykiller and another character - say, a thief who steals to feed the poor. But, as a lawful faction, the Red Death also offers strict regimentation to those who seek it. After all, sometimes the easiest way to live is just to do as you’re told and follow the rules – even blindly. [/li]
    The pursuit of justice ain’t easy. First and foremost, a player must realize that Mercykillers don’t arrest or try a berk, no matter what he’s accused of. It falls to the Harmonium to arrest lawbreakers, and to the Fraternity of Order to conduct trials for the accused. Only when a sod’s been found guilty of a crime under the law may a Mercykiller carry out punishment. In an adventuring party, that means a Mercykiller PC can’t automatically punish a fighter for slaying an innocent peasant, or kill a thief for picking a noble’s pocket. The Mercykiller’s got to stay his hand until the “criminal” has been duly arrested, tried, and found guilty. ‘Course, if the party has both a Hardhead and a Guvner, the Mercykiller might be able to convince them to hold a quick court. Failing that, the PC can only keep track of crimes that go unpunished, hoping to see justice done at the earliest possible opportunity. The most profound conflict for a Mercykiller usually arises over the specific interpretation of justice. After all, what might seem wrong to one member of the Red Death may not seem so to another, especially when the two have different alignments. Lawful Good Mercykillers – like Arwyl Swan’s Son – often are less troubled by an escaped criminal than they are by a poor sod who’s been wrongfully imprisoned or faces a staggeringly inappropriate punishment. Many Mercykillers, inspired by the high-up paladin’s commitment, have likewise chosen to seek out and correct examples of gross injustice. But infighting only hinders the cause of justice, and the faction strives for internal harmony. They seek to rely on the letter of the law, not it’s spirit, as their mediator. Any sod who doesn’t follow the law is a criminal and must be punished – that’s the official faction line. But when two Mercykillers butt heads – well, something’s got to give. If they can’t come to a mutual compromise quickly, one that satisfies both sides’ sense of justice, the DM is free to impose the following faction penalties: - Wizards and priests cast spells at half their actual level: they can’t cast spells that aren’t available above their penalized level. - Fighters receive only one attack per round and lose any specialization bonuses - Rogues perform all thief functions at half their usual percentages. These penalties represent the internal conflict of the character, distracting him from the task at hand. The DM shouldn’t impose these restrictions for more than a day unless a Mercykiller ardently refuses to put justice before all, including his alignment. Some Mercykillers choose to live with these restrictions, trying to maintain a precarious balance between their own viewpoint and the ideals of the faction. Of course, being a Mercykiller requires more than a simple love of justice - no matter what his class, a Mercykiller must undertake a lengthy period of training and study if be wants to progress beyond the rank of namer. Those who do learn the law to an exacting degree – the factotums of the faction - are called Justices by the Red Death. They carry out the day-to-day functions of running the Prison and maintaining the faction’s outposts on Acheron. The most devoted Mercykillers go on to become factors. And an elite few may even become Justiciars (a special kind of factor) and he assigned to track escaped criminals. [/li]
    While the Red Death requires only that its members be lawful, only those who’re lawful neutral may truly understand the final goal of justice above all else. Lawful evil and lawful good characters, if they properly play their alignments, allow the distracting factors of good and evil to cloud their judgment and search for justice. Of course some players may feel that their faction goals override their alignment ideals. But truly exciting role-playing can take place when a character tries to meld these two potentially conflicting attributes. A Mercykiller’s got to find a compromise that satisfies his inner turmoil. Otherwise, he might face the faction penalties described above – or end up in the Gatehouse with the other barmies who couldn’t handle the strain of the multiverse. [/li]
    Though the book A Player’s Guide to the Planes in the Planescape Campaign Setting restricts rogues from the ranks of the Red Death, a generous DM might allow a thief to join the faction after all – provided berk’s willing to take an oath foreswearing all thieving activities that break the law. Thus, a Mercykiller rogue could hide in shadows, but not pick pockets. (A thief who constantly tries to suppress his cross-trading tendecies should make for good role-playing. – Ed.) Other classes might try to punish the guilty in the name of their power, rather than in the name of justice. But they’d be missing the point; justice ain’t beholders to any power. Most Mercykiller priests learn quickly to place justice above all else. Any cleric who wants to punish lawbreakers in his power’s name had better keep his actions dark from the faction high-ups – unless, of course his god’s a power of justice. [/li]

    Cutters looking to join the Mercykillers face some pretty stiff restrictions. All members must he lawfully aligned, whether good, evil, or neutral. An applicant with any criminal taint in his past is usually tossed out into the street, with a warning never to return. For those who measure up, though, joining the Red Death is a simple matter. The faction holds enlistment days once per fortnight, and an applicant need only present himself at the Prison. The dayÂ’s candidates gather in a room for a lengthy discussion of the Eight Tenets of Justice. At the end of the day, any berk who still wants to join must swear to each of the tenets. Doing so means heÂ’s henceforth considered a Mercykiller. [/li]


Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:00 am
by *Mr_Otyugh
OOC: What's this? Well this is a board in Prison, where Mercykiller members can handle their informing.

- Only those with The Red Death membership can see this In Character.
- Those whom are not The Red Death members will have to learn everything told here in game, in character or in story of some form.

The Red Death Board
“ Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.”

  1. I will uphold Justice before all else, purging the multiverse of those who break the law.
  2. In all situations I shall weigh the rights and wrongs with a clear and impartial mind.
  3. I shall decide where Justice must fall under the law, and I will mete out that Justice with a firm and unyielding hand.
  4. I believe in the righteousness of my faction: we alone answer to the higher law of Justice.
  5. I will not pass judgment on good or evil, only on law-abiding and law-breaking, for therein lies wrongdoing.
  6. I will punish the guilty as the crime demands.
  7. I will be diligent in my pursuit of the guilty, and while so engaged I will remain innocent of any wrongdoing in the eyes of others.
  8. I will never release a lawbreaker until his sentence has been carried out.
Additional Information:READ ME!!!
Link One: The Factol's Manifesto; The Mercykillers
Link Two


Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:00 am
by *Synyster Spirit
A letter to Factol Alisohn Nilesia:

It should be brought to your attention that a man, Raifael Degare, has evaded Justice.

He is a known murderer that has admitted guilty to his crimes, though it has been claimed that Raifael Degare was under the influence of being possessed. I am assuming that admittance of guilt rendered a trial by the Guvners unnecessary as he was never taken to court. Instead of being transferred to the Prison and facing proper punishment, he was placed in the hands of the Bleak Cabal to be "treated."

There is no solid evidence to prove Raifael Degare had been possessed. An exorcism was performed while he was in custody which had no results.

I suspect someone had a hand in helping him evade the consequences of his actions. Firstly because a trial was never conducted, and secondly because he was not transferred to the Prison where he would have been properly punished for breaking the law.

I also know for a fact that during his time in the Gatehouse, no demon was actually removed. A demon that had already been imprisoned within a gem was used as evidence to support the claim that Raifael had been successfully treated and was free to leave. This deception was so that the Cabal would be absolved of any guilt in the event that Raifael commits further crimes.

It is my belief that he should be held responsible for his crimes, regardless of the "legality" of his release from the Gatehouse. The fact remains that he should have been in our hands and not those of the Bleak Cabal.

I request your counsel.

<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>-Azrinoth Deschain


Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
*left on the Desk of his immediate superior*

I, Adam Winters, do hereby resign my position as field agent. This is due to the fact that the leadership of the Mercykillers is more intent on granting mercy instead of justice. The criminal element of the city sees little to fear in the Red Death. We now offer them a soft cell instead of a cold axe... A slap on the wrist instead of righteous Justice. Our reputaion is now sullied and weak. This... I can no longer support. My task has been reduced from field executioner to simple Cell guard as of late. This I can no longer tolerate.

Perhaps once the leadership is replaced with members of vision will I consider returning.

Adam Winters.


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:00 am
by *Cenpuppie
**Sana Kross leaves a message to her superiors**

I hope we are the ones pursuing this Conrad. Justice was a mockery and he received a slap on the wrist for his first transgression. This is what happens when you choose to cuddle rather than punish.

So, this Conrad is our mark yes?

**The note ends with the simple question**


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:00 am
by *Ceremorph
*A note is delivered to Sana by one of the ubiquitous young pages of the Red Death*

Madame Kross,

According to the laws of Sigil and long-standing agreements between ourselves, the Harmonium, and the Fraternity of order, it is not within the stated duties of the Mercykiller faction to apprehend wanted criminals, unless they have already been found guilty within a recognized court.

However, I do wish to note no stipulation is put upon what individual Mercykillers do when they are not on duty. It is only asked that you think of possible ramifications of any actions you do decide to take upon yourself. After all, it would be quite a shame if a notorious figure who has been previously proven culpable for heinous crimes, such as this Conrad, were to not survive to face the courts. Minor reprimands could be in order should such a happenstance occur.

In Justice's Name,

Factol Alisohn Nilesia


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:00 am
by *Kari_Shadowfox
* A letter left in the Factol's inbox, printed in a neat, flowing scrawl*

Factol Alisohn Nilesia,

It has come to my attention, through anonymous sources, the identity of Adam Winter's murderer. It is one Linda Oerthgrave, a mage of some talent, and said to be slightly unhinged. I would appreciate if my name was left out of the investigation, but I felt I could not hold this information in good conscience.
I hope this will lead to a successful conclusion of this tragedy.

May Justice be served.
Namer Isonade D'Arveth


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:00 am
by *draken57
Prisoner A1134 Bergimon Fellblade (Human)

Accused of impeding the harmonium. Sentence carried out.

*Record expunged as per Guvner Chances sentencing*

*A large detailed file has been blacked out mostly except the small above heading*

Prisoner K1123 Dram (Kender)

Accused of theft. Sentence Carried out.

*Record expunged as per Gunver Chances sentencing*

*A large detailed file has been blacked mostly except the small above heading*

May Justice Prevail

signed Sendra the Torturer

**A record of this did escape expunging as Sendra had made a second copy and delivered it to the desk of the Factol**


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:00 am
by *Cenpuppie
*A note in red ink is left for Sendra*

Ymerion is held within the prison. He is to be re-educated about the laws within our city. Do with as you please with two notes. One he is to leave the prison only after a full 24 hours of your re-education and.. restructure his jaw.. 5 separate pieces shall be fine

*Signed Sana Kross*


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:00 am
by *Svord
An hafling strides forward, towards the reception, leaving a letter on the desk, then proceeds to give names and all.
Upon it, following is written, with fine letters, but oddly enough, written with the users accent;

I 'e hearin' good things 'bout yer work, 'n I approve of it, an' I be havin' a wish tha' join ye faction. I 'e likin' to keep law, 'n make sure it be followed; Law be tha' absolute, nothin' else.

Signed, yer good Yevorand Hearty

He turns then to leave, waving as he does, and steps out into the city, once more.