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Mercykiller Mia

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Factors, Justices and Namers,

It has come to my attention that a certain Namer Crys is currently missing in action, as of the last few days. Her most recent posting was supposed to be within the Prison itself (specific duty unknown).

Given the recent rash of attacks against our agents in the last few months,  it is important that we account for all of our comrades. To that end,  I'd ask her commanding officer to meet me or the Factors regarding her whereabouts.

- Justice Dace Andor
((thread concerning the PC in question: ... 10659&st=0 ))

Mercykiller Mia

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:00 am
by *MirielKanan
Crystalis' commanding office comes to Dace on his inquiry. ... 0659&st=15