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From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:00 am
by *Lotus
A letter smelling of sweet perfume was delivered to Dace. It read:

Dear Justice,

Our Society will assess the Red Death's proposal. Before making decisions, we wish to ascertain both sides' proposed obligations in more detail.

We kindly request a meeting to discuss the terms of this agreement. We will send our delegates. Please respond with a suitable place and time.


The Society of Sensation

[size0](((( How's Sunday?[/size]

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
To whom it may concern,

We appreciate the Society of Sensation taking the time to consider our proposal.

As far as locations are concerned, we would be willing to discuss the matter in your faction headquarter itself. If however you would prefer someplace else, then I suggest we book  a private  room in the Golden Baurier. Do let me know which you prefer.


Justice Dace Andor

\\ Sunday may be cramped, because I think there's another IC thing Dace has to be at, but if that one is later sure. Otherwise, really any day is fine.

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
//If Sasha is still supposed to be there, its going to have to be no later than noon Central Time (GMT-6) on Sunday, as I am busy later in the day.

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *Lotus
(( Yep would be cool if Sensates had a PC representative ; - p. How about Tue-Thu 7-8pm GMT onwards?

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
\\Was going to say that today (Sunday) cleared up since the MK thing is supposed to happen much later than I thought, but sure, those other days work too.

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
//Tuesday sounds good to me.

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 am
by *Lotus
(( See yous on Tuesday then. Things went past the point of no return for me today

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
\\ Awesome. Will be there.

From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:00 am
by *Lotus
A letter in an avocado-coloured envelope, smelling of exotic fruit, has been delivered to Dace. It read:

Justice Dace,

The Society has been presented with the proposal and has debated on its merit. Please find below the Society's thoughts which I have gathered from the Factors.

The Society finds potential long-term political cooperation acceptable provided the Society and the Red Death do not find their interests directly conflicting - which at times will be the case - but through dialogue and planning, both our Factions can benefit despite such misalignments.

However, the Society feels at disadvantage in such an exchange, especially given the Red Death's recent decline in influence.

Unfortunately the lenient treatment has not been found to be sufficiently interesting to equalise the trade-off. The Society would see it as a pleasant addition, but does not see substantial value in this proposition.

The Society does acknowledge the great value of a potential base outside. However, the Society feels the value of such also pales in comparison to the access to Sensory Stones, which are of central importance to the Society. It would feel at strong disadvantage in such an exchange.

This is the summary of all I have gathered from our Factors. While this was more of an informative meeting and the ultimate decision belongs to Erin, I am afraid as things stand, in the light of the above the proposal would be rejected swiftly.

My personal opinion is, perhaps this is a good time to revise both sides' demands. Limit and rectify. Perhaps a gradually tightening cooperation of sort.

Please advise what is the Red Death's standing.



From: Society Of Sensation

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Factor Leovyfiel,

I must say I am extremely puzzled over the Society feeling so incredibly disadvantaged after all that is being offered. It is even more baffling, given that not once in our previous discussions have you mentioned what exactly it is that the Society would even want instead.

I am equally confused over your concern and bizarre claim over the Red Deaths "decline in influence", though it does rather state plainly how you view the offer of cooperation at all. If the Society is simply not interested in acquiring allies at all, so be it. We will stop wasting each others time. If however, the Sensates are keen on being on favorable terms with one of Sigils strongest military branches- and by extension the rest of the Triad- our terms are as we have already stated as of our last meeting.


Justice Dace Andor