A Letter is delivered to the Mercykillers

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Posts: 419
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *LiquidDreamer »

***Delivered anonymously to the Prison***

Recently I had the pleasure of collecting bounty on several warrants for your “more than generous” organization. One of the bounties, a particularly scrawny Anarchist, decided to try to barter for his life. He spouted several things about this berk and that… up coming bounties I plan to collect on, but also gave me a piece of information that almost made me consider letting him go… but you fellows pay too much for that to happen. As a show of professional courtesy I’ll fill you in on this little gem. It’s far too dangerous a chant for me to try to profit from…

Remember a while back, before the Hive erupted in bloody war (well done by the way, guysÂ… you made the bounty list a long one!) there was an incident that probably bruised your egoÂ’s a bit. A couple of Berks, by using poison flushed through the old UnderSigil vents, made the LadyÂ’s ward all psychotic and sleepy. Seems this couple got in and released some prisoner you folks were holding. No name was given me but hereÂ’s the best part.

Seems this prisoner was some sort of Slaadi or something. Not sure on his colorÂ… those things are all too creepy for me) but he was one of the bigger ones. Well this Slaadi was released under direct orders ofÂ… here it comesÂ… Factol Pentar of the Doomguard! ThatÂ’s right! Appearently the Factol set the whole thing up as a means to get this prisoner on the side of the Sinkers. She even supplied the Revs with explosives and weaponry in exchange for the deed!

NowÂ… you may ask why IÂ’m giving this to you for freeÂ… well in all honestyÂ… itÂ’s because when folks do this sorta thing to you guys, that bounty list gets longer and when it gets longerÂ… my purse gets heavier.

Keep up the good work folks. Keep the coins flowing!

Signed W.W.
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