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Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
A notice is posted in the Prison.

As some of you may have heard by now, there is a situation that has been developing around the infamous Mnemur scrolls. Rumors of their connection to an ancient primordial evil Power have been confirmed, as has the cult of Tharzidum's attempts to use them in a ritual that could have dire ramifications for those residing in Sigil, as well as in the planes around.

We have also confirmed that the scrolls were being brought into Sigil for a particular purpose, one which we as a faction opposed to the forces of chaos cannot allow.

I am therefor issuing an order under the authority of our Factol herself: all Red Death members in possession of the scrolls of Mnemur must relinquish them to Factor Charae, Namer Brynn or myself. Schedule such deliveries before hand, as we do not want to collect too many scrolls in one location at any given time. 

Avoid bringing in any additional scrolls to the city, and instead secure newly discovered ones off-plane and report as much to the same three as listed above. We well dispatch someone to collect and move those scrolls to a more secure location.


It is also important to clarify that this is Not an order or authorization to target anyone within the city and attack or otherwise hassle them for Mnemur scrolls in their possession. Instead, report those you have confirmed to have the scrolls, in particular anyone seen channeling them.

Finally, keep an eye out for any Tharzidum cult activity in the city. Again, do -not- openly engage without direct provocation or unless a  crime is being committed, and in such cases, remember that the Harmonium has jurisdiction. They are also aware of the situation, and are looking into matters on their end as well, so do not run a competition with them. Work with our allies, and we'll all see this matter resolved soon without further incident.

-Justice Dace Andor

A letter is also sent out to the following:
Namer Brynn,

As you may have noticed via the message board, I have listed you as one of the go-to  agents regarding the Mnemur situation. If you have any questions about the plan, feel free to approach me. Until then, consider this your first priority. Once more; do not allow too many scrolls to gather in one location at a given time (no more than a maximum of twelve), so schedule scroll pickups accordingly.

Once you deliver sets to me, I will take them to a few off-plane secure locations provided by the Factol. This will hopefully buy us all a little time till we figure out what to do for good...


Justice Dace Andor
Factor Charae,

I have been authorized by the Factol to take charge of the Mnemur scroll situation, though needless to say I will differ to your better judgment on the matter. I have already issued a general alert within the prison and instructed our members to bring their scrolls to you, Namer Brynn or myself at scheduled intervals. Also at scheduled intervals, I will then take sets of twelve or less to off-plane secure locations as identified by the Factol for safe keeping until further research produces a more long term solution to the matter.

If you wish for me to take your collection along with the first batch, please let me know.


Justice Dace Andor

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:00 am
by *LadyLightning
A letter is left on the desk of Justice Dace Andor.

Justice Dace,

While planeswalking in the Abyss, Quinn and myself,
along with a druid by the name of Ferox, managed
to recover a scroll of Mnemur from the demons that
were engaged in Blood War activities.

I hadn't informed Quinn of these orders yet, so with
no foreknowledge, he'd taken them with him. At the
time, I was wrapped up with taking a statement from
one Yashila Stormwind regarding the men who had
just finished attacking her, as per my report, and so
doing while fending off a demon assault at the same
time. As a result, he brought them with him to the
clearing in Karasuthra.

I found him there and he handed me the scroll of
his own free will, as well as another which he'd found
previously. He said he hasn't channelled their magick,
and I believe him. In fact, he'd warded the scrolls in
protective spells against scrying and against being
opened. I recommend contacting Quinn about warding
any off-plane scroll caches we store, so that they're
not simply sensed and scryed by those seeking them.

The two scrolls in question are buried beneath a tree
nearby the portal awaiting pickup, as I didn't want to
bring them into the city. Specifically, the tree forming
the left side of the portal's ring, from the point of view
of someone stepping out into Karasuthra.

Namer Brynn

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Namer Brynn,

Excellent work. Do relay to Quinn my appreciation for his assistance. Yes, having him be involved in the cache warding sounds good. Co-ordinate further efforts with him, as I will likely miss him in the next few days.

Speaking of which, bring the burried scrolls to me as soon as possible. I am heading off plane to deal with the first set in the morning. I should return in the same day, though if I do not, continue reporting on the matter to Factor Charae. I'd have suggested Justice Rozalina, but I have not had a chance to fully update her on the situation yet.

(( OOC: he should be back on time))


Justice Dace Andor

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:00 am
by *DarkArc
wrote:Justice Andor,

Good work. Continue your efforts to remove the scrolls from the city. I have gathered a team of our members familiar with arcane, divine, and eldritch magic to study the scrolls in an effort to devise a way to unmake them. Your point of contact for that is Justicar Fidehliss. Please inform him of any new activity you discover about the scroll and his findings may prove useful. You may consult outside sources as well. Let me know if you need anything else.

Factor Charae

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
\\ Bump, as its still current.

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Those under Dace's command receive orders to report for a priority briefing.

...Evidently, he didn't die after all...

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
After a three day leave, Dace returns to the Prison and reports to for the psych-evaluation as the Factor ordered. If cleared, he sends out a call for 4B0 and Shia to join him in his office.

Once they arrive, he hands them each a dossier.

"In those files are materials we've already discussed, regarding the cult creating those circles out there, other people involved in the case, Kruphais abilities... and some recent discoveries. Review it, and see what else you can find in the archives here and in the Hall of Records, or anywhere else. Anything you can find at all is welcome, but I'm particularly looking for three answers. First; who -was- Kakos Kruphai before he became this thing. Second; who was this brother that he's trying to bring back, and third; how do we kill Kruphai himself?

I'm going to see if we can't convince some of our... less savory friends to assist as well, but in the mean time, this takes top priority. Hour glass is draining fast on this one.


If they have none, they are dismissed to get to their task, while he pens and sends out a letter to a warlock he'd much rather not have to invite at all....

\\ PM will be sent out to 4B0 and Shia.

Notice: Mnemur Scroll Situation

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Following the trip to the lifejammer derelict, the recovered Outsider corpses from the stasis pods are sent down to Shia's lab i nthe Prison, along with a letter.
Namer Shia,

I need you to examine these corpses. We found them in a  crashed jammer, and have reason to believe that they were victims in  a weapons  development project specifically meant to slay Powers. I'll fill you in on the details later, but first see what you can find and report to back ASAP.

- Justicar Andor