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Disturbance in the Bazaar

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:00 am
by *Archangel
Location: Bazaar, near the armorer
Time: Evening

I overheard an argument from Khazeets while off duty this evening. The argument quickly escalated into first spells being cast, then physical violence. The two involved, Anaroluth, and one we later found to be Fargul, the fugitive, were fighting with naked weapons in the street. The drow female struck down the hooded male, killing him in the street. Only after did we find out it was the fugitive, but as far as I can tell, and after questioning, Anaroluth did not know it was him, and simply resorted to striking first against a man that was outnumbered but armed and belligerent. Why she didn't call the Harmonium, or simply attempt to subdue the man I don't know, and only received sarcastic and arrogant responses when I attempted to find out.

After he was struck down, she identified him by pulling off his hood. Then for some unknown reason she raised him to life again. This allowed him to use a magical contingency to escape. There was an attempt by the Harmonium, and some bystanders to bring down his winged, demonic shape, but all failed. One can't help but wonder if it was a show, and once the authorities got involved they somehow arranged for his escape. That is something to note should we question the drow female further.

I did question her, to ascertain what happened. Seems that the man later identified as Fargul was threatening one of her friends, and eventually drew his weapon. She admits to striking first however. I confirmed that she only assumed it was Fargul, some 'sense' that she seemed to have. I can only go on the facts and the fact is she only saw his eyes. His head and face were covered until he was struck down. I let her go but advised her to remain close in case she was needed for further questioning.

I await the decision of the Harmonium, and my own superiors, as to the next step in this matter.

Kierisen Shadowshade