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Last Rites

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 12:00 am
by *DarkArc
After the Battle of Salt, the Mercykillers bring their dead back to the Prison to be identified and prepared for distribution back to their families, a funeral detail accompanying the remains proportional to their rank.

Those without families are laid to rest in a tomb on the plane of Acheron at the faction's headquarters while others receive rites appropriate to their faith.

A rare exception of this is given to the remains of Namer Kev Tarmikos, though many knew him as Belkas Cornwell. The Namer was posthumously promoted to the rank of Justicar and awarded a decoration for meritorious service and another for bravery, an award given out for those that answer the call of Justice above and beyond expectation. As Justicar Tarmikos was the only Justicar to have perished at the battle and no family to claim his remains, his funeral was held on the Prison grounds.

Invitations were sent out to ones known to have been friends of Justicar Tarmikos, allowing them to pay final respects to the fallen before his body was escorted to Acheron to be entombed alongside of the Justicars that came before him.

As a gesture, it is also rumored that the Justicar's entire criminal record, confirmed or alleged, was wiped clean.