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A Letter For Dace Andor

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:00 am
by *Mausman
My dear Ally,

I write to you in confidence, in outmost honesty.
All of the happenings in this past year, have left me battered, somewhat broken. Lost, in many, many ways.

Yet one thing always managed to keep my head up, gaze set on the horizon we call the future. The sense of Justice.

You know my heart and mind by now. Becoming a Sensate might have seemed a wise decission six years ago, but life taught me, that is most certainly was -not-.

I can no longer turn a blind eye to atrocities caused by those who also wear a Sensate badge. I can no longer watch things happen in this place and hold my tongue.

While I do think that represenation in the Hive could be better, meaning, that Mercykillers need not to be the cold force of punishment alone. One can punish with love and passion. Recent events have shoved me, harshly so, into a position where I realised I should listen to my heart, more than I have been.
There is also a debt of loyalty towards you, for the sacrifice you have made, in order for the one who holds my heart to still draw breath. It is, by far, one of the biggest gestures one could have made and certainly not ever forgotten.

I know it is likely your superiors will not accept me for various reasons. However, I still formally hereby request to be considered, as a namer, within Mercykiller ranks.

I shall await answer patiently and thank you for your time and efforts.

- Kelth McEwan

A Letter For Dace Andor

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:00 am
by *Taurus Daggerknight
Dace had expected this matter would come up for some time. He knew the Rashemi had grown disillusioned with his Faction, so the idea of resignation wasn't all together surprising.

He was, however, not sure how to take the notion of him applying to the Red Death.

I guess I know what we're talking about over dinner...

The warlock began penning a response... then tossed the draft and began anew. The cycle was repeated a few times. After all, the real reasons for rejection could hardly be put on paper. That would just make a mess for everyone involved.

Instead, he kept the final draft brief.
wrote: Kelth,

Let's meet soon.


Dace Andor