Kierisen's Bootcamp!

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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Posted by *Archangel »

When the namers assemble for the next day of training (these are schedule through the justices once a week so at not to interfere with regular duties) Kiera looks over the formations from the drill field this time. Running through standard fitness training she would call out, expecting the troops to repeat a series of mantra as if they are a count to the physical exercise they are doing.

"We are the hand of justice, not the sword of peace!" She calls loudly, looking around at the sweating troops.

"We are the punishment, not the judges of men!"

"The Red Death are my brothers and sisters, I will not shame them!"

"The Triad are my cousins, I will support them!"

Each phrase is delivered in a parade field shout, and continued until every namer in the compound is giving their all, sounding off with enthusiasm. She will have the other justices work the namers until she is satisfied that they get the picture.

Once she is satisfied she gives the troops a break from their labors, calling for water to be passed around. While they rest and drink she motions to namer Dace to fall out of line next to her.

"One of your brothers has some words to share about his experiences with the far realm invaders. As you know they are still a threat, and that threat may expand into the Cage again, or may need to be dealt with. He has first-hand experience to share. Now listen up..."

She steps back and nods for Dace to continue.
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