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Why is everyone so afraid of Nienna? <_<

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:00 am
by *Forbes
Dear Superior,

I've seen this kind of behavior all across mafias and animal packs. When the big dog ( or in this case, bitch) enters the room, every sphincter tightens in servitude and the underlings lose all sense of individuality- conforming to the will of the pack leader.

It so happened as she entered the room of a mad woman who resides in Room 6 of the inn. I had this woman chained to a bed as I strongly suspected that she was bound to harm herself. I was applying some medication in an attempt to revive her, and was in the company of a female halfling, a tall hatted ass of a man, and another human named Belkas (who I suspect is a Revolutionary). None of them said a thing to me as I attempted this - that is until Nienna entered.

All went silent - not just physically silent- those gathered had their INDIVIDUALITY snuffed out. Fingers were pointed towards me - the one who had shackled the madwoman. The three around showed her a godlike amount of respect. The degree of genuflexion was utterly shocking. When I pointed this out, she reacted with threats and barely contained anger- removing her bow and expressing her desire to take out my leg.

When I challenged this authority and told her that I would take her freedom, her cronies gathered around and pulled me away, urging me to bend myself to her will and keep my mouth shut (I believe the one who pulled me away was the hatted-ass- henceforth known as "ass-hat").

Ass-hat was promptly dismissed, and I gathered my items and left- for I was not foolish to stick around the room full of a big-dog and three cronies. I only hope that the madwoman who I unshackled is safe - though the consensus is that Nienna is a fine caretaker - at least among her followers.

I request that a psychiatrist and a healer visit this woman to assess her status. Nienna may think she knows best, but I doubt that aside from a master combatant and authority figure, she is also a psychiatric expert and scholar of the law (she was quoted as saying that no court will charge her from dismembering me as I tended to a madwoman who was shackled).

Furthermore, I request that other guards be present to arrest her when she threatens the life and limb of another officer or citizen. Believe me, she WILL do so again.

Her arrogance demands it.

Why is everyone so afraid of Nienna? <_<

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:00 am
by *ManyFaced
( I can't stop myself from posting OOCly and saying this is the best letter I've ever read. The IC side of it was equally well done, Alexis Forbes deserves a lion's share of XP for everything the character did. ::hellyea:: )

Why is everyone so afraid of Nienna? <_<

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:00 am
by *Forbes
// c: I appreciate the endorsement, and I really enjoyed playing with everyone! I do wish we had gotten to play some more before the buffing and the "PVP or leave area" bit but no worries, I understand that my character is abrasive. I'm sure we'll get the chance to play again soon.

Why is everyone so afraid of Nienna? <_<

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:00 am
by *Er_Nano_Infame
////yep, it is very amusing. indeed forbes managed quite the deed, i could even say she managed quite the everything, on her own, from the start to the end, and then down to these conclusions of a letter. though the character should also realize how few certain citizens of sigil care for the mercykillers, their duty, their beliefs, their laws, and their lives. but maybe she's getting it by now. of course there are also those people more akin to her.
and now let's wait and see for her letter to be answered ICly :nod: ///