First Mission

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Posted by Saiceles »

Katherine's first assignment was concluded, and at the end of the afternoon a well-written report would be delivered in two copies. One to Factor Dace Andor, who assigned her to the case, and another to the Mercykiller's archive, for proper processsing.

The mission was to investigate the matter of indulgences being sold in the Carnival, a thing that has happening for years now. According to the report, it is not the first time the culprit has been arrested, and the indulgences claim that those carrying it are allowed to use them to be pardoned from their crimes. Katherine would have distinctively written that such a notion appears to be fake considering how directly against the law it would be to simply pardon a criminal because it paid a minimal amount of gold (a single cog), and that as the oath of the Mercykillers is to see the law properly uphelp, such a thing doesn't seem like it would be allowed. The suspect cited the name of Factor Alilill as her superior and the one who would vouch for her, however it is unconfirmed whether it was a bluff. In the report, Katherine states that she suspects the latter, but that the future investigation should reveal the truth nonetheless.

Namer Reina and Paladin Sartorix were mentioned as key witnesses in helping lead to the suspect, with the latter having purchased an indulgence as per Katherine's request so that she could personally witness the act and corner the suspect. Once the suspect was confirmed, she confronted it and led it to the prison, where it was led down for processing and interrogation. As the last part of Namer Katherine's assignment, she was asked to put up a sign in front of the now-empty stall, informing the citizens of the incident and that they could turn in those fake indulgences for refunds at the Mercykiller's headquarters.

With her mission concluded and a sense of fading anxiety at not screwing up her very first assignment, Katherine concluded her shift after delivering the due reports, once more getting ready to return to prison duty until the time came for another assignment.
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