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[Sinkhole Report] Katherine's Investigation

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:06 pm
by Saiceles
From: Namer Katherine Beaumont-Lyon Clearwater
To: Mercykillers Headquarters, Units currently deployed to the Sinkhole investigation

"I have located a critical spot in the Sewers. There is currenly a great mass of growth located right beneath the Xaositect Headquarters district, and currently might be at great risk of being the next targeted location. I am hereby humbly requesting that precautions can be taken about it, and if possible, that a team be assembled to investigate or stop the located growth before it can cause any damage, and that perhaps a warning missive can be sent to the Xaositects so that they can take precautions before suffering losses. Copies of the mapped areas will be available at the Mercykiller's HQ discretion, if necessary. I would also request further orders on how to proceed from here on."

Re: [Sinkhole Report] Katherine's Investigation

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:42 am
by Taurus Daggerknight
Katherine would recieve the following missive by way of a Justice:
Namer Clearwater,

Good work. A warning will be forwarded to the Barracks accordingly. A team will also be assembled to venture bellow and deal with the mass once and for all. Be at the ready, as you will be joining the unit.

I wil lcall for a briefing on the operation soon. Be prepared for such, as I want you to provide all ears present with the current status of the situation.

Justice Prevail,

Factor Dace Andor
Katherine's report and maps are likewise forwarded to the Harmonium Barracks. A final notice is also sent out to available field agents:

Available agents are to report to the briefing hall for an emergency operation. An Abyssal entity is loose in the city, and must be captured or neutralized.

-Factor Dace Andor

Re: [Sinkhole Report] Katherine's Investigation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:57 pm
by Saiceles
Final Report regarding the Sinkhole Investigation

"As my final report to this closing case. It has come to my knowledge that the Harmonium has reported no further sinkholes to be found after the destruction of the growth in the latest mission. Hired touts also failed to report about further signs of more, but I intend to continue patrolling the sewers for another week to make sure. Once the final patrols are finished, I shall return to the regular assignments in prison as intended. If others hear anything else, please report to high command."

- Justice Katherine Clearwater