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Jalax's Recon: Thybestys

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:43 pm
by NeverOutPunned
The troop movements originating from clangor had been tracked to the Thebestys region and shortly therefore, contact from the regional indigs and Sigis informants was cup off. According to the Culler (Name redacted as per normal, to be refereed to as Source-1 in future documentation) I questioned, the last confirmed update was two weeks ago and the situation was characterized as a “blek-show” and that veteran sources believe Thoth has the entire region on lockdown.

Upon seeking out a current, unsecured portal and making a onfoot reconnaissance of the area, I located some sort of large scale obfuscation ward which required protection from law or a more potent anti-illusion mechanism to penetrate. Upon entering the region and crossing the ma'at river, I located evidence that the siege which the cullar had suspected was underway with clangor forces occupying and fortifying outlying village.

From what I could see of fortifications facing both directions and their individual make, I suspect that the defensive troops were either rapidly overwhelmed or pre-emptively pulled back to the more heavily fortified city in the face of hostilities. Clangor alligned forces were confining a substantial number of locals and were making sort effort at ensuring their survival but I suspect the situation will continue to deteriorate for several other reasons.

Firstly, the clangor forces showed evidence of extended wear and tear upon their equipment and there was clear signs of supply shortage. Secondly, both among the mercenary troops and the prime contingent, there were significant discipline and morale failures with multiple arguments and fights breaking out under the initial observation period. The army seems restless and unprepared for either large scale prisoner management or a siege battle.

The single identifying marker for the clangor contingent was a tower like shape of metallic grey on a circle of red. Numerous variations existed, but all shared that common theme.

Re: Jalax's Recon: Thybestys

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:36 pm
by Taurus Daggerknight
After pouring over the reports, Factor Andor began to send out orders for an expedition to be prepared. It's purpose; to move in on the enemy flanks if and when Mercykiller mediated negotiations failed.

That same day, he would also contact the known privateers and Factors of the Cage to prepare for relief efforts, once the hostile force was removed.

Finally, a message was send to Jalax via Sending spell:

"Preparations underway. Identify optimal and discreet approach paths for our forces to reach and lie in wait. Element of Surprise is preferred if and when negotiations fail."

Re: Jalax's Recon: Thybestys

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:34 pm
by Saiceles
After catching wind of the situation, Justice Katherine would pass along a message to Factor Andor, marking herself as available if he needs more hands to help with the operation.