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Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
He feels a slender arm around his waist and she rests her on his shoulder. The footsteps come closer heavy thud follows heavy thud in a slow deliberate pace. Around the corner comes the last thing doubt would want to see. The rust red armour and cloak, the distinctive lobster like helm.

The notary looks at the pair of them. What he thinks as he looks at the girl with the glassy vacant eyes as she clings to the older man is hard to say as his face is covered by his helm.

He Steps closer, there are inches between them now, the hardhead tall and imposing in his armour he fills the narrow alley way, there is no way past him and he is that close doubt can hear him draw breath inside of his helm.

"Your girlfriend looks a little drunk. You will be able to see her safely home?"

//Edited for accuracy

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:00 am
by *A Casual Fellow
Half-dozen contingency plans ran through Doubts mind after seeing the imposing figure, clinging on his victim tad harder due to rising anxiety. His attention is involuntarely shifted at the Hardhead, but as he finally speaks the fear of getting caught passes. Can't help but exhale in relief, although makes it appear a sigh the best he can.

"Yes, we'll be fine. Thank you for your concern... just been a long day. Oh, and sorry that we're on your way. Just required a breather." he offers a polite, yet mildly apologetic smile. "Let's go my darling. he says to his victim, choosing a generic "pet name" due to being clueless of her real name, and withdraws from the hug starting to continue toward lower ward while holding her hand.

((If bluff skill is required, it'll have to wait until I get home. :)

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
"Watch the spire citizen."

The man in fullplate turns to one side to allow him past. The girl by his side takes his hand and still under the spell follows obdiently after him without a word.

//No shouldn't think you'd need one to convince him of a conclusion he has reached on his own so not necesarry. :)

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
As they head towards undersigil they move through the smokey lower ward towards the hive. The foundry casts its shadow over the ward in the dim light thrown by the torches. Doubt's charge follows after him her hand in his. As they pass one of the houses her step falters as her mind tells her that this was the way she was going, it would take some gentle coaxing by doubt to help her on her way. As they enter the hive they are spotted by a few people in the area around the night market, but this is the hive no one is asking any questions. She follows him down to undersigil and through the winding tunnels.

When hey arrive she changes her clothes, not having a tail she isn't inconvenienced much. She sits down on the sleeping bag and as she is handed the lighted joint of devil weed she takes a drag on it and then coughs before inhaling clearly she is not a smoker. She has managed to smoke down half of it before his suggestion about her being tired takes affect. The devil weed and the domination spell all having affect she smiles pleasantly and gives him a dopey nod of agreement.

"Mmmm yes... sleepy."

She rolls onto her side pulling her knees up to her chest, she wouldn't finish the joint unless he forced her to, either way she would be asleep quickly.

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:00 am
by *A Casual Fellow
Doubt leaves her alone for half the night before returning. To her clothes and whatever were within those possessions has been disposed by nonchalantly being tossed into the Ditch alongside the basket they were placed into. Certainly there may've been some valuable things, but they were also clues that could lead on him or be used as beacons for divination magic.

As he returned to the cave, attempting to reach there before his victim would wake up - after all he had forgotten to instruct the dominated victim to remain put, a dreadful oversight. With him he brought food, drink and writing supplies. Would the victim still be there to wait him, he'd wait until they're fully awake and instruct the following.

"Ah you're awake... I have some sustenance to you and instructions.

Firstly; I wish you to remain here until I'll come to get you out.

Secondly; You are to smoke the devil weed once every two hours.

Thirdly; I want you to write down as much detail about the City Court layout, and all Fraternity Members you know from appearances, to personality and to their current rank. On the city court layout, if you can draw even a rough map, do so... and mark what type of information is generally archived into and where you would find.

Finally; if someone else comes here, tell them you are instructed to stay here by Doubt, but do not explain anything else unless your personal safety is questioned."

Being here he also makes sure to focus on the domination link to ensure it remains strong.

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
She is still asleep when he arrives. She wakes groggily and for nearly a minute she just sits therestaring blankly at him. She doesn't speak a response to anything she says eventually she seems to remember, where she is.

"Do you have anything to drink please? I am very thirsty."

//Quick ooc question. Is he altering his apperance to look like the man she thinks she knows as Gawain or is he appearing as himself?

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:00 am
by *A Casual Fellow
((he's in there as "Gawain", sorry for not making that clear! x) ))

The man studies her curiously, before finally withdrawing a bottle of water from the brought out food compilation to offer to her. "Of course my darling, here you are. Drink well."

Despite the to-become drink of Styx water in near future, this was actually a basic bottle of water of mediocre quality.

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Still fully convinced of his identity she stands up on her tip toes and kisses him just a simple token of affection. She sits down with the pen and partchment.

"When I have finished this can we go to the festhall dear? There is a play on that I have heard goid things about, and I'd like to get a new coat from the bazzar. Something fur I think its nippy out."

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:00 am
by *A Casual Fellow
He provides a fake smile, well mostly fake smile at her show of affection. Though a creeping feeling runs through his spine, this charade had went long enough... act along he convinced himself, once she's done she can forget it all.

[bluff: 26 + 1d20 = <you can roll and/or decide!>] "Why that's a wonderful idea." he said through the fake smile. No chance in hell did he truly intend to be seen with her in public any longer. "Why don't you continue with that while I'll go reserve us decent seats to this play of yours. What is the play called my darling?" he hated to admit to himself quietly that for a brief while he had toyed with the idea of actually going... he just might though, not with this stranger whose name he still actually didn't know.

After all, he still had to maintain a proper public image to be viewed as a publicly acceptable and sociable personality. "We'll also look for a fur fit your dazzling display on the way. Anything I can bring you while you wait perhaps?"

Para-interactive: There Is No Doubt

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
Her smile becomes a broad grin if deluded happiness. The enchantment having taken a strong hold it could be that she was lonely, that this is what she wants to believe. She takes one of the rolled joints of devil weed and hands it to him.

"Would you light this for me please?"

She begins writing out a list of names presumably of the people she knows within the faction. She gestures to the plate of food as she stops to take a swig of the water.

"Try the dates they're really good, and the play is called heartless its a satire about the Fated."