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A Time To Strike

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:00 am
by *Midnight
The following pamphlet is left in The Bottle and Jug, in the slums and tenements around tue ditch. Anywhere the disenfranchised dispossessed and disillusioned might gather.
The reds overstep their bounds.  The bazzar cries out for liberation.  As do The so called free league who find themselves under the Harmonium's heel.  We may not have an opportunity like this again, now is the time to fan the flames of the free leagues discontent.  It will take cutters with brains courage and commitment to the cause.  I wonder, are there even any of you left?

A Time To Strike

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:00 am
by *Hydra
A hooded shape entered the bar, smiled as it asked for a pint.

- Not our law...

Then it chuckled letting its red burning eyes gaze around, while thinking about its next plan.

A Time To Strike

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:00 am
by *Seraphel
wrote: There are those of us left, but not all agree with the old ways things are done. Violence will not shift the people into our favor. Violence will only drive them away from us, make them fear us and cower behind those that place the chains on them. We must convince those who want freedom to recognize that the Triad are not their saviors, but their slavers

It is a time to strike, not with steel and powder, but with words. Show everyone what lengths the Triad will go to in order to enslave Cagers. Lead the masses to break their chains. Show how they pressure the indeps to join their ranks and beat down those who defy them. The masses must recognize the Triad for the frauds they are.
