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Manifesto Of Phoenix

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
***The following literature is left throughout Anarchist safe houses and meeting places. In time, due to the fact that printers are trying to be located, it will most likely find its way into the public domain. Until that happens it is used as a tool to reach anarchist sympathisers and supporters. To further the solidification of Anarchist ranks.***

***A written lecture by Revolutionary Phoenix. His own opinions, vision and take on Anarchy and revolution***

Anarchy, or Anarchism, is a doctrine that is both misunderstood and misinterpreted. This is perhaps due to the fact that it is a threat to not only the established order, the current regime if you will, but also to those who would try to fill the void created by the destruction of this regime. We (Anarchists) are forever having to deny labels and images spread by all the dominant Factions of the city. Convinced by these lies, or convinced by their own misconceptions, most people don't know the truth. It is due to this misinformation that I have decided to explain to you what we believe... or simply what I believe. I will explain, in my own opinion, what we stand for and why it is we fight.

One of the most important things we strive for is freedom. This is first and foremost. Not only for ourselves but for all the people of Sigil. We feel that all cagers should be as free as are able. That you should be permitted to establish your own destinies and livelihoods so long as you respect the equal rights of others. This freedom should be absolute. It should not be limited by unnecessary law, unnecessary wealth or material objects. Freedom should be enjoyed by all, equally. Not controlled and doled out by greedy masters.

We reject the concept of owned property and material wealth. Objects and "material wealth" only keep us as slaves under the control of the wealthy and corrupt. Their monopoly of the material system ensures their hold over those who cling to such ideals. So long as the purse is controlled... the greedy follow suit. True freedom requires equal access... equal right... to all of the cities natural resources and scope. No singular establishment has the right to separate you from these resources. By rejecting material objects and wealth we remove the tools that are used to enslave us.

Those who follow Anarchism strive for the collapse of the establishment of ruling Factions. This regime is oppressive and brutal. It maintains a level of authority that is apart from the people it controls. It works for itself and offers its slaves only scraps in return. The Harmonium, the Mercykillers and the other Factions of control are simply weapons to be used against the free people of Sigil. The ruling factions have enslaved the people of Sigil and revolutionaries, or Anarchists, will never be free so long as these Factions exist. They must be removed in order for freedom to take hold.

One thing few understand is the fact that Anarchists follow no set leaders. We follow those who "lead" by example. Once ineffectual, undeserving leaders are removed, the free people of Sigil can become masters of their own destinies and liberate themselves from this unwanted control. They will no longer be enslaved. Only those who show worth through actions are followed. Those attempting to rule through force or fear are to be eliminated.

Contrary to popular belief, or simply spoon-fed lies and mistruths, Anarchists are not opposed to organisation. Anarchism, at its base level, is all about organisation and cooperation. We strive for cohesion amongst equals, free equals. Free of oppression, free of tyranny and free of slavery. We understand that a lack of organisation generally leads to tyranny as the weaker members of society fall in line with the stronger members in exchange for liberty and protection. As a result Anarchists must organize to ensure this does not occur. We must ensure all remain free, remain equal. Disorganisation prevents this. We are, however, completely opposed to the types of organizations which create oppression through higher authority, regimentation and the subsequent subornation of people through fear and force. We oppose any organisation which limits creativity and personal right. We are absolutely opposed to the centralization of power. We are also opposed to concept of Patriarchy. This is the belief that women should be subjugated and silenced by men. These social structures must be eliminated whenever found. Bottom line is all people must be equal. No one has the right to control or expect obedience from others with the exception when necessary to protect the equal rights of others.

Anarchists understand the need for complete revolution. There is no freedom from the current establishment. There are no equal rights from the current Factions of rule. Therefore the current system must be completely destroyed and removed. We must eradicate the establishment and rise free from the ash. The Factions, and their ardent supporters, must be sought, hunted, found and completely destroyed. If they are not, if any solid remnant of them remains then these things will slowly reappear and destroy the freedoms since gained. Due to the fact that we are considered as radical, that we are unable to work within the current system, we cannot hope to complete our goals from within the current order. Therefore we must work from out of it, using methods of secrecy. This is why we are not as visible as others. Why we are feared instead of known.

In the end, in my opinion, Anarchists believe in a brighter future. We fight for a future free of oppression, tyranny and slavery. We see a society of all Sigils free people living in equality and in control of their own destines. We see a city running itself though community councils. We see a people making decisions at a grass roots level... working together, free of overlords demanding servitude. We see a free and open distribution of wealth and resource, spread amongst all free people and not just the privileged and unelected few. We see a free people building their own future.

The intent of this lecture is not to coerce you into adopting our view. Only you can decide what you wish to follow. My intent is only to educate you. To clear up mistruths and misconceptions. While not all anarchists follow this vision I believe most do... only some do not realize it until they sit down and examine reason.

Unfortunately the current holders of power oppose this radical change. They seek to destroy us with extreme prejudice. Until they are reduced to a level of brutality with which we can face equally, we must fight them with the means we have. We all make sacrifice for freedom. Only when we have succeeded in revolution can we stand down and rest.

Long live Freedom. Long live Revolution


(((ooc: If possible, in the future, I'd like to try to have this included as literature found in drops like other books. Of course only if such is permitted)))

Manifesto Of Phoenix

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Lately there has been a bigger effort to get these books onto the street. The Harmonium has increased efforts to collect as many of them as they can but inevetibly many still find their way to the public eye.

Manifesto Of Phoenix

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Phoenix has begun to hand more of these out as of late. Maybe it means he's beginning to plan something.

Manifesto Of Phoenix

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
((renewing the thread to keep it current))

Manifesto Of Phoenix

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
///Bumped for our newer players :)