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Cell-members Killed at the Bottle and Jug

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:00 am
by *Cadence
A burly, unshaven Hive Thug enters the living area of one of the many tenements in the Hive. This place isn't so much a living-room, as much as it is a headquarters, though. Various tables are organized displaying useful tools like lockpicks, weapons, fake identification, and minor magical items for use by Revolutionaries. There are also tables with blueprints of all major city buildings, as well as instructions on crafting homemade explosives.

The thug strides over to a bulleten board that contains the bounties for various enemies of the Anarchists and pins up a new flyer atop several older ones:

wrote: Due to a recent incident, a bounty of 1000 jink has been placed on information leading to the capture/death of Nero Urbane or Protector Mark XIV.

The actual capture/death of any of these individuals will garner a bounty of 30,000 jink as well as promotion within the Cell.

Cell-members Killed at the Bottle and Jug

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Mila looks over the posting and considers the words. She’s been in this game for a long time and is known to many inside the revolution as “someone in the know”. She takes another parchment and jots something on it. She then pins it under the original.
wrote:“We running a Fokking babysitting business here now? There’s no need to bring this berk in alive just to give him a nice place to rest. Just deadbook him and be done with it. He usually hangs at Khaz’s in the market. If that don’t make him an easy mark… then nothing will.

IÂ’ll even add another grand to the pot to see him float in the ditch.


Cell-members Killed at the Bottle and Jug

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:00 am
by *Midnight
In the hall of records the Anarchist mole who calls themselves the librarian would begin work. First it would search for any records of property tax paid by Nero, they would then cross reference these with the billing address on any tax paid on Nero's cheese mongering business. Finally because the Librarian prided themselves on the clarity of the information in the information they provided they would take a cutting from an archived copy of SIGIS. The one that broke the story of Nero's murder and listed his residence as the crime scene. All this information information it would place in a plain brown envelope. The envelope makes its way through several hands before arriving at the tenement in the hive.