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Surgeon in the Hive

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
*passed through the regular channels*

There is a surgeon in the Hive that has disrupted things in the Market. What she did isn't really important. The important thing is the Reds seem to have taken a keen interest in her.

Ensure she remains safe. Ensure she continues her work. The people of the Hive benefit greatly from her work. If they take her... offer her assistance so that she may know... she doesn't have to comply with them and will be under the protection of the Hive.

Do not confront the Reds without reason... just ensure she is aware.

Freedom be yours

((Hopefully an NPC or two can be written in to let Abby know the Revolutionaries are greatful for her helping the Hive and are ready to protect her if she is forced to go to the barracks... or at the very least she can assume she's already approached and write it in herself. I don't often get the chance to be IG with Abby at the same time to do it myself))

Surgeon in the Hive

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:00 am
by *Agony_Aunt
((You can assume someone has let her know - PM Abby if you want to make sure she has read this.))

Surgeon in the Hive

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:00 am
by *Abby
Abby is strangley absent from the Infirmary, and clearly, there are no Healers of Ilmater stumbling drunkenly through the bazzar and stuffing their face with every concievable food.

However a tall woman in drab clothing at the Weary Spirit insures that Abby will get the message upon her return.