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Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Children of freedom

Today we sat and pondered recent events and how they impact our movement. We looked at our hesitance and our uncertainty and we examined the causes.

Now I know there are many amongst you that feel my methods, while mostly successful, have been extreme and dangerous.

I have head you and have acted on your behalf.

I am sure most of you are familiar with a great warrior, a great ally and leader of of our cause, Nemesis. He fights for our freedom and acts with a sense of moderation in his methods. He acts not in such a way that will endanger lives of innocents or fellow members. He leads the fight in ways that befit those who seek a more... measured response.

Well Nemesis and myself have sat and discussed events past and future and the two of us have come upon agreement. We have decided to act in such a way as to further our cause and maintain the visions you all seek.

We have decided to combine our visions to accomplish our goals. He is a committed member of the Revolution and deserves your attention.

I implore you, should your visions be more moderate than my own, to look to him and his cell. To support him and his actions for he will act on your behalf and ensure your voice is heard while we move forward.

His is a voice of moderation that I will will heed when deciding my actions. While it may not be at a level of your desire, it will most certainly be on par with your expectations.

The days of division are past. It is time to unite as one and fight the fight of freedom for the people.

If it is moderation you seek... support Nemesis... help him to guide us to victory.

Freedom be yours



Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:00 am
by *Mausman
Sons and Daughters of liberty,

As most of you have read by now, a new dawn indeed has risen.

The sheer determination and true spirit of a revolutionary, embodied by Phoenix, bolstered with my dream to provide freedom to the people, without making the innocents bleed for it, should provide us with a more united force to achieve more goals.

Sadly, at times, people will die, but rest assured that these are only people that pose a threat to freedom. If we can not disable these people according to my methods...then it is time to resort to different measures. has to build a bridge, I thank Phoenix for laying the first stones by contacting me.

Should anyone like more information, make use of the known runners to forward message to me.

Freedom be ours, united we shall stand, divided we shall certainly fall.

- Nemesis