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Lines of Communication

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob

I send this request out to all contacts currently embedded in the various factions. I also include any sympathizers that you may be able to make contact with.

As members of the respective factions you have infiltrated, you have access to specific information and secrets. These may include day to day activities unknown to us. They may also include specific secrets that are being kept for any number of reasons... possibly things that might bring embarrassment or scandal to the specific factions... things they may want to keep from each other.

I ask you to forward these bits of information to me. I can use them in my statements. I can slowly amass enough information to bring them to their knees in front of the people. It will move our goal of Governmental collapse closer to success.

You need not forward your identities. You need not forward anything that might identify you.

You have put yourselves in a place of great accessibility and now is your chance to bring fruition to your hard work.

I eagerly await word.

Freedom be yours


(((Feel free to PM me with any rumours or inside bits of RP)))

Lines of Communication

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Phoenix puts out the call on all "secure" communication lines to find out what the hell happened to cause the rift between cells, what the hell happened to Stark and who the hell sold us out to the Reds.

Phoenix asks all supporters to lay low and keep their eyes and ears open fully. If there is a rift between Revolutionaries then we must be sure to secure ourselves and ensure we are not taken by surprise.

Once he has more information he'll decide a course of action.

Lines of Communication

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
Children of the Revolution.

Recent events have affected us deeply. The actions of the Shaper have shattered many of our most influential cells. Some of our most endearing and able leaders have been forced to abandon their cells and go into hiding. Harmonium troops have had their moral raised by the command of a charismatic leader and they have begun to repair some of the damage we have managed to inflict upon them in the past few months.

I have requested aid from you in the past. I have asked for anything that will move us forward. Most of you have been silent. While I understand the want and need for secrecy, you must also understand our need for survival and success.

I ask you again to aid us somehow. To forward information, to rally allies, to give support to those who openly fight for the people. I know some of you are hesitant to participate. I know some of you are worried you might be found out but we cannot afford to simply hide and do nothing. We cannot act like the Doomguard and sit back and wait for the natural demise of the system. We need to act.

Please contact your cell leaders. Please help us move forward.


(((ooc: I know that there are several “un-named” members of the Anarchist movement on the server. I know these members to do not actively participate in Faction business but still have membership for whatever reason. I’m asking you, if you are a member, to participate. If we had a dozen members, and only 4 participated… fine. At least we’d be able to RP and do events with the other 4. Right now I know of, in an ooc way, at least 4 or 5 other members yet none are willing to participate somehow. Even if you make a dummy account and alias so folks don’t know who you are… it’s better than one person talking to no one. We cannot actively have a faction if the members are not willing to play along.

LetÂ’s get some RP going and have some planned events with members. If you are a memberÂ… join in and help out somehow. ItÂ’s getting increasingly difficult to RP by myselfÂ… and it's quickly losing charm.)))

Lines of Communication

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:00 am
by *Mausman
* Runners forward a message to Phoenix*

Lines of Communication

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
***Information passed through all Revolutionary channels***

A meeting had been conducted between Phoenix and a more moderate voice. Common ground had been found between the two and agreements of cooperation had been made.

Plans had been started to mend the rifts within the movement.

Formal statement would be coming in the following days.

Lines of Communication

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
***Sent through secure Anarchist communication routes***

If there are supportive connections within the Harmonium, specifically those at higher levels, please get in contact with meÂ… even through third parties if itÂ’ll make you more at ease with your identity remaining unknown.

There is specific information that I require and am hoping you can supply it to me.


Lines of Communication

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 am
by *Mausman
-Delivered by runners to Phoenix-


I have found an agent perfectly fitting for the task you are seeking someone for. He is member of my cell. Contact me

- Nemesis

Lines of Communication

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 12:00 am
by *Darkrob
I have been told before, whilst discussing pressing issues with influential cell leaders, that it is rumored that we have members imbedded in the Harmonium.

During the last few months or more we have seen little proof of this being fact. So... that begs the question.

Do we have members in the Harmonium, and if so, have they forgotten their task and become comfortable with their stations and power?

See it's like this. It is completely benficial to the movement for us to walk freely amongst the other factions. We learn much this way and we can stir dissent within the ranks... but when infiltrators become colmplacent and begin to adapt to their assumed roles, it's time to show them the errors of their ways.

So I propose this.

If we have active members within the Harmonium, I ask them to do what is right and do the task they are there to do. To sow discord and create problems for the Harmonium. To funnel us information and aid our people. If over the next little while we see no response, no contact, no aid or no action at all... and yes... we have eyes and ears to follow ripples within the Faction, we will begin to work to find out the identites of these people and remind them of their duty to the Revolution... or remove them completely.

Ours is not a group simply to be used to further your own political goals. Ours is not a movement to be used to climb Factional ladders to assume power and not give back to the people.

Do your task. Support Revolution.

Turn your back on us, retain your positions and abuse your power and we will remove you.
