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Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
Sasha sends the following letter to the Factol, and to various Factors, following the Sensate meeting.
wrote: Dear Factol Montgomery, Factors,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you out of concern for the number of sensory stones we have lost in the past few months. There was the loss of the modron's stone, stolen by the cambion Roog, and never found. Then there is the more recent matter of Factor Wheatley's unfortunate death and the loss of the stone he was guarding. It even seems possible for criminals to obtain blank sensory stones, as we discovered with the recording of the "fake" modron's stone, still in the custody of the Harmonium. I have also heard rumors of stones being lent out to persons completely unaffiliated with the Society.

The loss of these stones is quite upsetting, and I am sure they have not been the only ones. As they are our most precious resource, I would like to present a few ideas about how to better protect the sensoriums:

1) Stationing more guards at the entrances to the sensoriums - specifically, the private sensorium. The loss of the modron's stone could have been prevented if there had only been more than one attendant around the sensorium.

2) The authorization of an investigative team to track down missing stones. In the past, we have worked within the bounds of the law, and asked the Harmonium to help us find our stolen property. However, while there are a few good Harmonium officers, as a whole they have made it quite clear that they are uninterested in the task.

3) A re-cataloging of the stones. As we go through our archives, we could magically mark all of the stones to better scry their location should they be lost.

4) The warding of the sensoriums, or at least the private sensoriums. There are several Namers who are interested in looking into providing wards to keep the stones from "wandering off"

5) The construction or procurement of a "Wellspring of Worlds" - I have heard that this artifact could aid us in scrying the planes for lost stones.

I believe that Namer Trissa will be writing to you on this matter as well. I personally would like to organize the research into the Wellspring, and the cataloging of the sensory stones, should the Society be interested in carrying out any part of these plans.


Factotum Sasha Andor

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:00 am
by *LiquidDreamer
Sasha receives the following reply

The problems you brought up are being discussed. It seems this an issue others Factors want a say in so I am backing your motion for a meeting so these topics can be covered.  It will take a day at most to find out if Erin will give us her blessing.

Factor Quanid

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:00 am
by *LiquidDreamer
Another letter arrives later on in the day

I've just received word from Erin.  Even though she won't be in attendance, she has instructed me to go ahead and hold the meeting so the matters you brought up can be discussed.  She wants a written summary of whats covered. 

What times are you available so I can alert the other Factors?

Factor Quanid

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
Dear Factor Quanid,

Thank you for backing my motion. I would be happy to present my ideas later this week, if convenient.


Factotum Sasha Andor
//If you're planning for in game, the later half of this week is good for me.

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:00 am
by *LiquidDreamer
///in game is good.

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:00 am
by *MimiFearthegn
Sasha sent notes to Factotums Quinn and Trissa to inform them of the date and time of the meeting, should they also wish to attend.

//Current plan is 3pm CST (GMT-6), Thursday.

Security! A Letter To The Factol

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:00 am
by *DigitalDragoon
Quinn sends regrets that he is liable to be unavailable, As he will be helping to supervise an upcoming joint project between the Indeps and the Society. He may be out of the city for a week or two depending on how things pan out.

//This might conflict with other commitments. I am uncertain if this is one of those of 1:1 real-time events or a time-lapsy thing.