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[Donation] Impressions of Sileas in Sigil

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 4:37 am
by Miyuki
(( Link for musical background ))

For years, decades and centuries Sileas felt and experienced things in most different ways. Joy, pain, happiness, loss and pleasure as any other celestial being keeps it well hidden. But not this one, all the time she has been travelling from Arvandor to Toril to help and protect those of good heart, left tracks in her. She was different...

So her donation consisted of several experiences she gained in the time in the Cage. Each of them stimulated one of her senses most.


When she came to Sigil she met Xuuja and Vari. They ate and drank in the Greengage. One day they had bacon hot pies. For the first time in eternities she ate food of mortals. She tasted every single ingredient, but she understood why they loved this. The combination of bacon and cheese and other ingredients under a baked blanket was unique. For dessert they had apple pies with cinnanon. Apple pies themselves were very popular, but together with the cinnanon it was delightful. She understood why eating is so important to mortals. They have to keep up their health and energy, as well as it's a benefit for the soul if the food is to their liking.


Argent, the elven signer showed her his space ship. Nothing more thean talking happened and would ever happen for Sileas as he has a partner and a child. Most mortals she met were monogamous, so she respected their love. But the most remarkable impression was the scent inside the space ship. Of course, it smelled of the streets oof Sigil. But soon it mixed and was covered by herbs, wild flowers and honey. A scent that she loved as much as her godess. It took her back in the days she spent in nature, the scent of pure life.


She wanted to see Baha, and after a day of unneccessary drama in the square she needed an experience that was good. So Xuuja showed her the house where her offspring used to live. The house was artfully decoarted for an Aasimar. All in blue and silver. There were statues of her godess, flowers and ornaments that made even the grey stone walls look dreamy. Being a Bralani she felt closer to this plane than many others the moment she saw it. All the free skies, wonderful view and all the beings from the plane of air. Still the Bralani are said to control wind, winter and storm.


The plane named Brux was all natural. All the trees and flowers, and the waterfall area with it's ongoing dawn were relaxing and gave a warm feeling. The noise oof the flowing water was natrually monotonus yet harmonic. Then there was the valley with the fairy lights, where there is constant night. She also heard animals calling their pack to a hunt in the distance. The calling of an Owl or something similar was there as well. It all toogther was like the music of the night to her. Those who are close to nature could feel a felling of security.


The giant she met would tower her by her own height. Alegmir offered a hug and she touched his hand. It felt cold even though he was very much alive. She didn't mind the cold at all, it felt refreshing to the being she is. The cool air around him felt clean und pure to the free parts of her skin. But she also felt the strength of his huge body and the capabilty to defend those close to him. They talked for some hours and agreed, they would gladly see each other again. Sometimes where there's cold on the outside, it was physical yet sensual- and there still might be warmth in heart.


While many celestials see mortals as something lesser, Sileas has grown closer to them. Sure they were hectical and flawed. Never satisfied in an ongoing struggle with each other. But they were also so much more. She saw loyalty, helpfulness, simple acts of kindness and love. Some of them showed her more understanding and compassion than many other Eladrin ever did for her love to a human man. She knew he would die someday, but it was the risk she was taking - of being hurt by the loss. The one thing, that remained of them in the world named Toril, was a half celestial daughter, and her daughers and grand daughters passed on the blood over generations. Even if she only saw her offspring only few times in their lives, she still loved them in her way.

Being chosen by the godess Lurue, also among elves known as Yathagera, the winged Queen, she offered joy and hope and healing too those in need. In order to be able to do it, she also seeks to understand with her heart and learn by the experiences of others.


She saw others in the Inn of the Cage, throwing aroound tunes and spells like they were snowballs. But there was no love in it, no real feeling. Just the greed for attention and fame she could feel from those who did. Or worse - it happened in an attempt to demonstrate power and hurt the weak. To her it was different, when she performed the few times was had a chance to, there was her heart and soul in it. Also listening to others she always paid attention with all senses and would mind their lyrics. To her it's important to see the meaning of a song. The bardess in her also seeked to learn playing as many instruments as passible to experience the many facettes of music alongside being versatile. Given her long lifespan, she had time fot it.

All in all, these experiences she donated, seemed small. But to her they were not. They were special each in their own way and showed all her bralanian passion slumbering underneath the surface. There, someone sure was a potential sensate.