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An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
I am Abigail Weir, a planewalker. With this open letter, I would like to express my interest in the Transcendent Order, as well as to pose a question. This is as much an attempt to learn more about Ciphers as it is to gauge my suitability to the order.

Language as social action

When I first heard of Ciphers, I was tempted to view you as creatures of instinct - beings who had eradicated all thought in favor of constant, instinctual action. It occurred to me, however, that I know of very few sentients who do not rely on language. Indeed, most of us are very dependent on language in our daily functions, including thinking. How, then, is language an action?

To begin with, it is important to know that I do not believe in fixed meanings. Think about the color red. What was the first association? Was it a red slaad? The Red Knight? Lunitari? Blood? I believe words and concepts do not mean the same thing to us. There is no one true definition of red. Many beings cannot even see the color as various humanoids experience it. The context is important, as well. You see a sentient clad in red robes. Do you think of the Red Wizards of Thay or perhaps the less notorious scholars from Krynn? As you may have gathered from the above example, where you come from and what you already know has a big role in what meanings you assign to words. Similarly, the situation you are in has an effect.

When we use a word, we often seek an effect. Having an understanding of how your recipients interpret your words helps you to choose the right ones, so that you can deliver your message accurately and hopefully with the desired effect. When you say a Red Wizard, my thoughts return to Krynn. When you say a Red Wizard to someone hailing from Faerûn, however, you could also be saying an evil wizard. The social action inherent to language lies in choosing your words carefully. If you fail to do that, you are still taking an action, albeit an uninformed one. Those who understand language can often use it to its fullest effect - just a as a master of the quarterstaff can turn the humble and accessible weapon into something spectacular.

The importance of reflection

If Ciphers are not creatures to instinct, then can we also consider preparation an action? For what else is reflection than preparation for the situation where your knowledge of the self is tested. As I suggested above, I think that language and thought are connected. This is by no means an original thought. Similar ideas have been expressed by scholars across the multiverse. Do you assign words to concepts that you think about? What is good? Kindness? What kind of kindness are you thinking about? Could you conceive other definitions for kindness? Knowing how you view the multiverse and yourself can give you a lot of power. In other words, reflecting on the way you use language can help you to better understand yourself. A better understanding of the self can lend to smoother actions in future.

Thought as an action

When thinking about reflection, I believe most people have in their mind an image of a monk - presumably a clean-shaven man - kneeling in quiet meditation. When I first thought of a Cipher, I saw a physically active woman who had abandoned rational thought in favor of instinct. I have since come to understand, however, that Ciphers seek to combine thought and action. Indeed just as I now understand that a Cipher is not a being of pure, instinctual response, it also seems to me that a Cipher does not seek to become a being of pure thought either.

How does one achieve thought uninhibited by action and action uninterrupted by thought at the same time, then? To me, one answer could lie in reflection, practice and knowledge. Once you know what you want to do, you can apply yourself uninterrupted. Similarly, when you are comfortable with an action, you do not need to think about how to complete it. When you know enough about yourself and have mastered enough actions, few things can interrupt you. You are able to improvise, to alter your actions seemingly on the fly based on a cycle of interpretation and implementation.

The act of speaking

One way to look at language is to separate language into two distinct parts: language as a pure concept and language as the product that you see in ordinary speech, with all its errors and misunderstanding arising from various interpretations and physical conditions. If I had to choose, I believe Ciphers would exist in the now - in the realm of imperfect language, where meanings are constantly under negotiation. In the act of speaking, the importance of reflection could manifest itself in knowing how you use words and what meanings you assign to social constructs. The importance of knowledge could mean a broad base of topic knowledge and conversation strategies or a readiness to learn more. The importance of practice would manifest in becoming comfortable with producing words the way they come to you and using the strategies you have knowledge of in a variety of situations. Once you bring all three together, I cannot imagine many things that could interrupt your flow.

How does one perfect the act of speaking? I believe the answer is simple: by speaking. How does one combine thought and action? By getting as comfortable with both as possible. What if you reflected on your performance while running and adjusted your step, or considered the effect of your words while talking and altered your subsequent actions accordingly? Would that not imply the sort of flexibility one needs to achieve the oneness of thought and action? Being able to alter your course seemingly based on instinct, because the process of reflection and the action are the two components that your performance consist of. It is impossible to alter an action if you are not aware of your options. It is impossible to apply your options if you are not comfortable with the action.

To reiterate

I suggest that thought is an instinct, or an action for a sentient mind to take. Instead of an action without a thought, one takes an action that is a thought.

The question

I would like to know what an experienced Cipher thinks. How do you feel when you read my notions? Are Ciphers simply flexible and knowledgeable thinkers, or is there something about unifying thought and action I should know? Indeed, how is a Cipher different from an experienced person with broad content knowledge, mental flexibility and learning skills? Anyone can improvise, but does the quality of improvisation matter to you?

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
A few days later Abigal finds a hand written note among her belongings. There is no trace of how it got there, it is not addressed to anyone and it is not signed by anyone.
You asked what I think.  I think, you think too much.  I think you worry about language because you worry about what you have to say.  I think if you spoke less and listened more, you would understand that the multiverse speaks, and you do not need to know any fancy words to understand it.

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
In the days that follow her letter, Weir can be seen entering the Gymnasium every now and then. The woman exercises, spars with anyone who cares to test her mettle and even gives people a hand with their sore muscles afterwards. Though many Ciphers would likely accept her presence as is, there are likely also those who - for one reason or another - would ask her who she is and what she is doing at the Gymnasium. After introducing herself, Weir tells these people that she is meditating. Understandably, this might seem a little baffling, given how Ciphers meditate.

Some days later, Weir attempts to gather a small audience in order to deliver an impromptu lecture:

"I am a creature of stillness," she starts. "Undead, lifeless. My two instincts are to feed and to lie still. If I let my body decide, that is all I do. While I was still alive, I used to belong to an abbey in Neraka. Back then, I was a creature of action to whom thoughts came naturally. I needed stillness and meditation to center myself, just as you do." The woman pauses for a moment, looking at what audience she has managed to gather.

"Drawing a breath. Moving my head. Blinking. These things came naturally to me as they do for many living things. Look at me now, though." She gestures at herself with her left hand. "This movement - simple as it is - requires conscious effort. Drawing breath to talk is no different for me." There is another pause. Utter stillness. Suddenly, the woman draws a sharp breath.

"Harken back to what I said about myself. I am a creature of stillness. My two instincts are to feed and to lie still. After a conversation with lady Mir, a Namer among you, I came to realize something very simple. I no longer need to sit still in quiet meditation. To lie still is to give into pure instinct. There is no thought in stillness, no action. I simply exist." Another sharp breath. The woman looks around, stretching her hands. Having done that, she rolls her shoulders.

"That is why I say that thought is action. To reflect on something does not come to me instinctively. It is a conscious effort I must make. In fact, I believe this is the same for you. Reflection must be learned. Perhaps exercising that effort in conversation might be a more obvious action to many of you. That was the aim of my open letter to you - to draw a parallel between the act of thinking and the act of speaking in order to illustrate thought as action."

"Recently, I have been attempting to combine action and meditation." The woman nods sharply. A brief moment passes. She blinks. Her voice is strong as she continues: "I say attempting because I have not quite perfected the method yet. However, it seems obvious to me that I need not to be still in order to hear the beat of the multiverse. I need to be acting so that I can move with it. Otherwise, my instinct is to lay still, to ignore everything that is beyond the two simple facts of my being. It is also my belief that the journey to uniting thought and action is an arduous one. Few, if any, will ever become quite perfect at it. There is no shame in fumbling. Every attempt is an action, a step in a direction. Sometimes, a step in the right direction - in so far as there is one."

Once more, there is a pause. The woman allows her eyes to wander on her audience, however small it may be. "Those are the thoughts and actions with which I approach you this cycle. I would welcome discussion and insight as they dawn to you, as well as sparring partners for taking what we have discussed further. Do not worry, I am quite inexhaustible when something catches my interest."

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
A crowd forms around Abigail. They listen intently. There are a few tuts and shakes of the head but disagreement remains respectful. For each dissenter though her words seem to strike a chord with another member of the group. As she finishes they eventually disperse. Only one remains a tall lithely muscled man. He has long dark hair and handsome if slightly hard feral features, more interestingly as one of the Undead Abigail would notice the hum of negative energy around him. There is no mistake he is like her.

"Very interesting. I'd like to know what prompted this here and now though."

He gestures to The Gymnasium before them.

"Could we talk a while?"

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
"I came here to speak to Ciphers, of course." The woman nods once. A practiced movement, as the ones before it. "This is how I learn."

The vampire takes a moment to look around the Gymnasium. "I believe we could talk. Who are you, though? It seems you have the advantage over me here." She looks at the man for a moment, adding: "I'm Abigail." Just in case.

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
"It does not hurt to ask. I might at least learn how to tell it apart from the other stones." A curt nod, followed by a pause.

"I will do this deed."

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
((Would be best running this in game. When are you free?

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
// I think almost any time will do, as long as it is within my waking hours (GMT+2ish here). I can reschedule other things if there's a time that works for you.

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:00 am
by *Iggwilv
He leads Abigail through the doors to the light airy corridors of the Gymnasium. Soft relaxing music played by the band at the entrance seems to drift down the corridor after them.

"I am Xerisis, Abigail. What you said and wrote was interesting. Especially as you like me have no doubt experienced moments of pure instinct. A time when we act purely and without thought."

He flashes a fanged smile.

"You know the one that I mean yes?"

An Open Letter To The Transcendent Order

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:00 am
by *Miraie
"I believe I spoke of it." The woman nods slowly, quite happy to talk while walking. Despite the distractions, she keeps scanning her surroundings in a seemingly relaxed manner - a habit born of necessity, most likely.

"Ultimately, I am interested in making all my actions as instinctual at that - yet reflection and thought remain constant parts of myself. Being a pure being of thoughtless instinct does not sound very appealing at all. I might as well be a rabid dog or a rock in the bottom of a lake."