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Roleplaying: The Transcendent Order

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:00 am
by *Bloodlines
For many clueless primes, the philosophy of the Transcendent Order is one of the hardest to grasp. So much so, in fact, that the faction's been dubbed the "Ciphers" -- as if they talk in some secret code. In fact, it's quite a simple concept that they espouse: Trust your Instincts, Do what your Body Tells You, and Act in Cordance with the Multiverse.

Besides being the best martial artists in the Cage (comes from all that meditation, presumably), the Ciphers have the best Gymnasia, Saunas, Massage Parlours and Hot Pools. If a cutter's looking to relax, he'd better jump in a bath with a Cipher. The faction's also reknowned for its diplomancy; which is perhaps a surprise, because when most bashers say whatever comes into their head first (like the Ciphers tend to do), it's usually the start of problems. Maybe that speaks a volume or two for the level to which the Transcendent Order really live their philosophies.

While they don't usually talk much, I've persuaded a few Ciphers to part with some of the chant of their faction...don't just think about reading it! Read it!

Roleplaying a Cipher

Members of the Order do act self-centered, but not because they're selfish, like the Takers and some Signers. They just want to find their own unity with the cosmos before worrying about how others're doing. This introspection makes 'em appear aloof and unfathomable.

It's a cinch the Ciphers are an independent bunch, too. Sure, they all agree to make the body govern the mind, but members differ in their approaches to the philosophy. Some see the body as a temple, others as a tool. The former tend to advocate healthy lifestyles and eat only the most nutritious foods. They keep their bodies in good enough shape to act reflexively, but they don’t push it. Quite a different story from those who view the body as a tool; they push it to the limit, and sometimes beyond, in search of the perfect biological machine. ’Course, these differences don’t seem apparent to outsiders.

ALIGNMENT The Transcendent Order has only one stipulation for joining: A body has to be at least partly neutral. Oddly enough, the faction always seems to maintain an alignment balance without ever devoting any effort to it: Whenever a neutral good member joins, a neutral evil member joins soon, or another neutral good member slides over to true neutral. Anyway, the faction maintains its balance. Most Ciphers become true neutral, eventually; as long as they progress toward the new alignment slowly as they come to grasp faction philosophy, they suffer no penalty for changing.

CLASS. Folks of all classes come to the Transcendent Order, though most members belong to the more action-oriented professions. Thus, most Ciphers are fighters. Paladins never seem interested, cause of alignment problems and, while an occasional ranger joins, he either eventually loses his status as a ranger (because he becomes true neutral) or he never advances past the first rank of master.

Wizards, rogues, and priests join the Ciphers in about equal numbers. Though wizards aren't always the most active folks in the world, some spellcaster's study of magic leads them naturally to a study of self; Cipher rogues usually started thieving either from need or as a search for thrills. Priests in the Order frequently channel powers that serve the Athar's Great Unknown power-behind-the-powers. Some even say they revere Cipher ex-factols.

RACE: The Ciphers welcome all races to their ranks. A lot of tieflings find homes here, because they tend to trust themselves far more than they do others - very much in keeping with the Order’s philosophy. The Ciphers also let a body keep to himself and do as he likes without any interference, which tieflings also appreciate. ’Course, the large number of tiefling members, known for individualism, makes the conformist Harmonium members peery about the Ciphers.

Half-elves tend to join the faction for the same reasons as tieflings and in about the same numbers. Since half-elves often have trouble knowing themselves, the Ciphers provide good direction for them. Not only do humans share this need to find inner harmony, they also love to get things done. Bariaur and githzerai seldom join the ranks, though githzerai that do generally become some of the faction’s most successful members.

RP Abilities only: Requires consent of a DM/EM or all players involved/affected by its use if no DM/EM is present. (per Server Rules)

Ciphers are lightning fast in their reaction times and are granted a +2 bonus to their initiative.

A Factotum is more resistant to mental domination and gets a +5 bonus to resisting domination and other mind-affecting spells.

A Factor of the Transcendent Order has mastered the ability to act without thought, able to partition their mind in ways that no one else can. This makes them effectively immune to mental domination and other mind-affecting spells.