Restoring Old Characters

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Posted by CaughtSlippin »

Account name: CaughtSlippin

Restore: All, Mainly Graawl Deepclaw.

played in 2011

Graawl Deepclaw - viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5563
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Posted by Mkhael »

Account name: Mkhael

Looking to get all my old characters restored, it has been a couple of years....


PS: if it is relavent, I do still have four active toons: Alyeka, Arrakyn, Melodee and would be nice if they were not overwritten since I have been playing them all weekend :D
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Posted by z0rT0s »

Hey there,

I'm missing some old characters, which have been deleted because of inactivity. Could you please restore those? I had some issues logging into the forum in the past, but that has been fixed :).

Account: zortos


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Posted by pimpjwp79 »

pimpjwp is account name

Restore all characters some from 10 plus years back and some from 1 year ago please and thank you
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Posted by edmaster44 »

Will be Done Later in the Night or Tomorrow Morning, Will update Post when it is ready
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Posted by Nihil »

NWN Login: Nihil

Hihi, looking to get all PCs restored. Think this is the right login, at least. One of the PCs should be Sabel, been a few years. If they're not under that account its cool, I'll just begin fresh!
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Posted by edmaster44 »

Done, Log in with the characters you want to keep, they get auto archived in 24 hours.
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