It's been a long time coming! But the newest update is finally here(almost a year, wow!)
From Dae-Glyth we got a new Update to his Plug In which fixes various things and includes new features.
Monk AC is no longer hardcoded to just Monk Alone!
Flurry list can now be expanded, the following weapons have been included in this list.
Creature Weapons
and Club.
Expose Weakness no Longer Autohits.
Pale Master Immunity has been fixed.
Bursting Bug has been fixed.
Weapons had their damages changed a bit.
whip is now 1d4 18-20/x2
Katana is now 1d8 18-20/x2
Halberd is now 3d4 x4
Longsword is now 1d10 19-20x2
Bastard Sword is now 2d5 18-20x2
Club is now 1d8 19-20x2
Fixed a bug with Dervish and whips not qualifying.
Fixed a bug with Psionic Iron Body giving Arcane Spell Failure.
Fixed various bugs and issues.
Added New Outfits from Morgoth for Both male and Female, MP section.(Tint has been fixed by Xndar)
Half-Elves now get
+1 To Dex. and Int.
Half-Drow Now get
+1 to Int and Charisma
New Portraits
Fixed Immunity to Petrification for Celestials.
Fixed Drown Immunity for Marids.
Made it so that non-tradeable, GM exclusive golems do not perma-die if a GM has Abiding Masterwork.
Fixed Psychic Theurge prerequisites to reflect reality.
Added asura-spawn heads for Tieflings.
Jester's Palace is finally in(Pending NPCs!)
OOC Customization Room now finally has lighting.
From Flatted-fifth
Armor Rules changes.
Light Armor now all add up to 9 AC (Including Dex mod) total.
Changed duration of the following from 6 seconds per level to (30 seconds + (5 seconds per level)).
More useful at low levels but max possible duration unchanged.
Expeditious Retreat
Globe of Invulnerability
Least Spell Mantle
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Lesser Spell Mantle
Spell Mantle
Greater Spell Mantle duration changed from 6 seconds per level to (1 minute +(5 seconds per level)),
a max duration increase of 30 seconds. It IS a 9th level spell, after all.
Greater Stoneskin now absorbs a max of 200 points of damage at level 20, not 150 at 15.
This puts it halfway between stoneskin and premonition.
Ethereal Visage duration changed from 6 seconds per level to 1 minute per level like Ghostly Visage
The following spells that formerly could only target the caster can now target allies as well
Entropic Shield
Expeditious Retreat
Ghostly Visage
Least Spell Mantle
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Lesser Spell Mantle
Mirror Image
Spell Mantle
Shield duration nerfed from 1 hour per level to 30 minutes + (1 minute per level). (OC duration is 1 minute per level).
Players can now brew Heal and Cure Critical potions, as well as Harm and Inflict Wounds levels 0 - 4 potions (for healing undead).
Heroism can now be made into a potion.
Clerics can now scribe scrolls of their domain spells that are not normally in the cleric spell list. These scrolls will be useable
by clerics in addition to whatever class that spell's scroll is normally useable by, but only if the scroll was scribed by the cleric
casting the spell themself. (ex, a cleric/rogue with a lot of UMD cannot make a cleric useable wand of stoneskin by using a scroll
of stoneskin on a blank scroll. They have to know the spell themselves to make a scroll useable by clerics.)
Player-scribed scrolls of cleric/fs spells are now useable by knights without UMD. This does not affect store-bought scrolls,
nor does it include cleric scrolls of domain spells that are not normally in the cleric spell list.
Player-scribed scrolls of druid/shaman spells are now useable by rangers without UMD. This does not affect store-bought scrolls.
Player-scribed scrolls of sorc/wiz spells are now useable by bards without UMD. This does not affect store-bought scrolls.
Player-scribed scrolls of Raise Dead and Resurrection have NO class use limitations. They are useable by anyone without UMD.
This does not affect store-bought scrolls.
The cost to scribe Raise Dead and Resurrection scrolls has been reduced drastically to compare favourably with the cost
of store-bought sources of raise/resurrection.
Clerics can now craft wands of their domain spells that are not normally in the cleric spell list and these wands will be useable by clerics in addition to whatever class that spell's wand is normally useable by, but only if the scroll was crafted by the cleric
casting the spell themself. (ex, a cleric/rogue with a lot of UMD cannot make a cleric useable wand of stoneskin by using a scroll
of stoneskin on a blank wand. They have to know the spell themselves to make a wand useable by clerics.)
Player-crafted wands of cleric/fs spells are now useable by knights without UMD. This does not affect store-bought wands or other items,
nor does it include cleric wands of domain spells that are not normally in the cleric spell list.
Player-crafted wands of druid/shaman spells are now useable by rangers without UMD. This does not affect store-bought wands or other items.
Player-crafted wands of sorc/wiz spells are now useable by bards without UMD. This does not affect store-bought wands or other items.
All of the following spells that could not formerly be made into wands can now be made into wands:
Entropic Shield
Expeditious Retreat
Greater Magic Fang
Jagged Tooth
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Magic Fang
Weapon of Impact
Wererat now gets +2d6 sneak attack while in hybrid form regardless of whether they have sneak attack from
another source or not. Having wererat hybrid form now counts as 2 sneak dice towards the 5 required for
getting Epic Precision free.
Swashbuckler now gets Epic Precision at level 12.
Invisible Blade Bleeding Wound feats count as 1 sneak dice each towards the 5 required for
getting Epic Precision free.
Update 6/7/2024